interpolant {emulator}R Documentation

Interpolates between known points using Bayesian estimation


Calculates the posterior distribution of results at a point using the techniques outlined by Oakley. Function interpolant() is the primary function of the package. Function interpolant.quick() gives the expectation of the emulator at a set of points, and function interpolant() gives the expectation and other information (such as the variance) at a single point. Function int.qq() gives a quick-quick vectorized interpolant using certain timesaving assumptions.


interpolant(x, d, xold, Ainv=NULL, A=NULL, use.Ainv=TRUE,
      scales=NULL, pos.def.matrix=NULL, func=regressor.basis,
      give.full.list = FALSE, distance.function=corr, ...)
interpolant.quick(x, d, xold, Ainv=NULL, scales=NULL,
pos.def.matrix=NULL, func=regressor.basis, give.Z = FALSE,
distance.function=corr, ...)
int.qq(x, d, xold, Ainv, pos.def.matrix, func=regressor.basis)



Point(s) at which estimation is desired. For interpolant.quick(), argument x is a matrix and an expectation is given for each row


vector of observations, one for each row of xold


Matrix with rows corresponding to points at which the function is known


Correlation matrix A. If not given, it is calculated


Inverse of correlation matrix A. Required by int.qq(). In interpolant() and interpolant.quick() using the default value of NULL results in Ainv being calculated explicitly (which may be slow: see next argument for more details)


Boolean, with default TRUE meaning to use the inverse matrix Ainv (and, if necessary, calculate it using solve(.)). This requires the not inconsiderable overhead of inverting a matrix. If, however, Ainv is available, using the default option is much faster than setting use.Ainv=FALSE; see below.

If FALSE, function interpolant() does not use Ainv, but makes extensive use of solve(A,x), mostly in the form of quad.form.inv() calls. This option avoids the overhead of inverting a matrix, but has non-negligible marginal costs.

If Ainv is not available, there is little to choose, in terms of execution time, between calculating it explicitly (that is, setting use.Ainv=TRUE), and using solve(A,x) (ie use.Ainv=TRUE).

Note: if Ainv is given to the function, but use.Ainv is FALSE, the code will do as requested and use the slow solve(A,x), which is probably not what you want


Function used to determine basis vectors, defaulting to regressor.basis if not given


In interpolant(), Boolean variable with TRUE meaning to return the whole list of posterior parameters as detailed on pp12-15 of Oakley, and default FALSE meaning to return just the best estimate


Vector of “roughness” lengths used to calculate t(x), the correlations between x and the points in the design matrix xold.

Note that scales is needed twice overall: once to calculate Ainv, and once to calculate t(x) inside interpolant() (t(x) is determined by calling corr() inside an apply() loop). A good place to start might be scales=rep(1,ncol(xold)).

It's probably worth restating here that the elements of scales correspond to the diagonal elements of the BB matrix (see ?corr) and so have the dimensions of [D]2[D]^{-2} where DD is the dimensions of xold


A positive definite matrix that is used if scales is not supplied. Note that precisely one of scales and pos.def.matrix must be supplied


In function interpolant.quick(), Boolean variable with TRUE meaning to return the best estimate and the error, and default FALSE meaning to return just the best estimate


Function to compute distances between points, defaulting to corr(). See corr.Rd for details. Note that method=2 or method=3 is required if a non-standard distance function is used


Further arguments passed to the distance function, usually corr()


In function interpolant(), if give.full.list is TRUE, a list is returned with components


Standard MLE of the (linear) fit, given the observations


Estimate for the prior


Posterior estimate for variance

Posterior expectation


Prior correlation of a point with itself

Posterior correlation of a point with itself


Standard deviation (although the distribution is actually a t-distribution with nqn-q degrees of freedom)


Robin K. S. Hankin


See Also



# example has 10 observations on 6 dimensions.
# function is just sum( (1:6)*x) where x=c(x_1, ... , x_2)

val <- toy
real.relation <- function(x){sum( (0:6)*x )}
H <- regressor.multi(val)
d <- apply(H,1,real.relation)
d <- jitter(d,amount=1e-5)    # to prevent numerical problems

fish <- rep(1,6)
fish[6] <- 4

A <- corr.matrix(val,scales=fish)
Ainv <- solve(A)

# now add some suitably correlated noise to d:
d.noisy <-  as.vector(rmvnorm(n=1, mean=d, 0.1*A))
names(d.noisy) <- names(d)

# First try a value at which we know the answer (the first row of val):
x.known <- as.vector(val[1,])
bayes.known <- interpolant(x.known, d, val, Ainv=Ainv, scales=fish, g=FALSE)

# Now try the same value, but with noisy data:
print(d.noisy[1]-interpolant(x.known, d.noisy, val, Ainv=Ainv, scales=fish, g=FALSE))

#And now one we don't know:
x.unknown <- rep(0.5 , 6)
bayes.unknown <- interpolant(x.unknown, d.noisy, val, scales=fish, Ainv=Ainv,g=TRUE)

## [   compare with the "true" value of sum(0.5*0:6) = 10.5   ]

# Just a quickie for int.qq():

## (To find the best correlation lengths, use optimal.scales())

 # Now we use the SAME dataset but a different set of basis functions.
 # Here, we use the functional dependence of
 # "A+B*(x[1]>0.5)+C*(x[2]>0.5)+...+F*(x[6]>0.5)".
 # Thus the basis functions will be c(1,x>0.5).
 # The coefficients will again be 1:6.

       # Basis functions:
f <- function(x){c(1,x>0.5)}
       # (other examples might be
       # something like  "f <- function(x){c(1,x>0.5,x[1]^2)}"

       # now create the data
real.relation2 <- function(x){sum( (0:6)*f(x) )}
d2 <- apply(val,1,real.relation2)

       # Define a point at which the function's behaviour is not known:
x.unknown2 <- rep(1,6)
       # Thus real.relation2(x.unknown2) is sum(1:6)=21

       # Now try the emulator:
interpolant(x.unknown2, d2, val, Ainv=Ainv, scales=fish, g=TRUE)$
       # Heh, it got it wrong!  (we know that it should be 21)

       # Now try it with the correct basis functions:
interpolant(x.unknown2, d2, val, Ainv=Ainv,scales=fish, func=f,g=TRUE)$
       # That's more like it.

       # We can tell that the coefficients are right by:,Ainv,d2,func=f)
       # Giving c(0:6), as expected.

       # It's interesting to note that using the *wrong* basis functions
       # gives the *correct* answer when evaluated at a known point:
interpolant(val[1,], d2, val, Ainv=Ainv,scales=fish, g=TRUE)$
       # Which should agree.

       # Now look at Z.  Define a function Z() which determines the
       # standard deviation at a point near a known point.
Z <- function(o) {
    x <- x.known 
    x[1] <- x[1]+ o
    interpolant(x, d.noisy, val, Ainv=Ainv, scales=fish, g=TRUE)$Z

Z(0)       #should be zero because we know the answer (this is just Z at x.known)
Z(0.1)     #nonzero error.

  ## interpolant.quick() should  give the same results faster, but one
  ##   needs a matrix:
u <- rbind(x.known,x.unknown)
interpolant.quick(u, d.noisy, val, scales=fish, Ainv=Ainv,g=TRUE)

# Now an example from climate science.  "results.table" is a dataframe
# of goldstein (a climate model) results.  Each of its 100 rows shows a
# point in parameter space together with certain key outputs from the
# goldstein program.  The following R code shows how we can set up an
# emulator based on the first 27 goldstein runs, and use the emulator to
# predict the output for the remaining 73 goldstein runs.  The results
# of the emulator are then plotted on a scattergraph showing that the
# emulator is producing estimates that are close to the "real" goldstein
# runs.


       # Decide which column we are interested in:
output.col <- 26

       # extract the "important" columns:
wanted.cols <- c(2:9,12:19)

       # Decide how many to keep;
       # 30-40 is about the most we can handle:
wanted.row <- 1:27

       # Values to use are the ones that appear in goin.test2.comments:
val <- results.table[wanted.row , wanted.cols]

       # Now normalize val so that 0<results.table[,i]<1 is 
       # approximately true for all i:

normalize <- function(x){(x-mins)/(maxes-mins)}
unnormalize <- function(x){mins + (maxes-mins)*x}

mins  <- expert.estimates$low 
maxes <- expert.estimates$high
jj <- t(apply(val,1,normalize))

jj <- 
names(jj) <- names(val)
val <- jj

       ## The value we are interested in  is the 19th (or 20th or ... or 26th) column.
d  <- results.table[wanted.row ,  output.col]

       ##  Now some scales, estimated earlier from the data using
       ##   optimal.scales():

scales.optim <- exp(c( -2.917, -4.954, -3.354, 2.377, -2.457, -1.934, -3.395,
-0.444, -1.448, -3.075, -0.052, -2.890, -2.832, -2.322, -3.092, -1.786))

A <- corr.matrix(val,scales=scales.optim, method=2)
Ainv <-  solve(A)

print("and plot points used in optimization:")
d.observed <- results.table[ , output.col]

A <- corr.matrix(val,scales=scales.optim, method=2)
Ainv <- solve(A)

print("now plot all points:")
design.normalized <- as.matrix(t(apply(results.table[,wanted.cols],1,normalize)))
d.predicted <- interpolant.quick(design.normalized , d , val , Ainv=Ainv,
jj <- range(c(d.observed,d.predicted))
plot(d.observed, d.predicted, pch=16, asp=1,
xlab=expression(paste(temperature," (",{}^o,C,"), model"   )),
ylab=expression(paste(temperature," (",{}^o,C,"), emulator"))

[Package emulator version 1.2-24 Index]