corr {emulator}R Documentation

correlation function for calculating A


Calculates the correlation function between two points in parameter space, thus determining the correlation matrix A.


corr(x1, x2, scales=NULL , pos.def.matrix=NULL,
coords="cartesian", spherical.distance.function=NULL)
corr.matrix(xold, yold=NULL, method=1, distance.function=corr, ...)



First point


Second point


Vector specifying the diagonal elements of BB (see below)


Positive definite matrix to be used by corr.matrix() for BB. Exactly one of scales and pos.definite.matrix should be specified. Supplying scales specifies the diagonal elements of BB (off diagonal elements are set to zero); supply pos.definite.matrix in the general case. A single value is recycled. Note that neither corr() nor corr.matrix() test for positive definiteness


In function corr(), a character string, with default “cartesian” meaning to interpret the elements of x1 (and x2) as coordinates in Cartesian space. The only other acceptable value is currently “spherical”, which means to interpret the first element of x1 as row number, and the second element as column number, on a spherical computational grid (such as used by climate model Goldstein; see package goldstein for an example of this option in use). Spherical geometry is then used to calculate the geotetic (great circle) distance between point x1 and x2, with function gcd()


An integer with values 1, 2, or 3. If 1, then use a fast matrix calculation that returns e(xx)TB(xx)e^{-(x-x')^TB(x-x')}. If 2 or 3, return the appropriate output from corr(), noting that ellipsis arguments are passed to corr() (for example, scales). The difference between 2 and 3 is a marginal difference in numerical efficiency; the main difference is computational elegance.

Warning 1: The code for method=2 (formerly the default), has a bug. If yold has only one row, then corr.matrix(xold,yold,scales,method=2) returns the transpose of what one would expect. Methods 1 and 3 return the correct matrix.

Warning 2: If argument distance.function is not the default, and method is the default (ie 1), then method will be silently changed to 2 on the grounds that method=1 is meaningless unless the distance function is corr()


Function to be used to calculate distances in corr.matrix(). Defaults to corr()


Matrix, each row of which is an evaluated point


(optional) matrix, each row of which is an evaluated point. If missing, use xold


In corr, a function to determine the distance between two points; used if coords=“spherical”. A good one to choose is gcd() (that is, Great Circle Distance) of the goldstein library


In function corr.matrix(), extra arguments that are passed on to the distance function. In the default case in which the distance.function is corr(), one must pass scales


Function corr() calculates the correlation between two points x1 and x2 in the parameter space. Function corr.matrix() calculates the correlation matrix between each row of xold and yold. If yold=NULL then the correlation matrix between xold and itself is returned, which should be positive definite.

Evaluates Oakley's equation 2.12 for the correlation between η(x)\eta(x) and η(x)\eta(x'): e(xx)TB(xx)e^{-(x-x')^TB(x-x')}.


Returns the correlation function


It is worth reemphasising that supplying scales makes matrix BB diagonal.

Thus, if scales is supplied, B=diag(scales) and

c(x,x)=exp[(xx)TB(xx)]=exp[Σisi(xixi)2]c(x,x')=\exp\left[-(x-x')^TB(x-x')\right]=\exp\left[\Sigma_i s_i(x_i-{x'}_i)^2\right]

Thus if xx has units [X][X], the units of scales are [X2][X^{-2}].

So if scales[i] is big, even small displacements in x[i] (that is, moving a small distance in parameter space, in the ii-th dimension) will result in small correlations. If scales[i] is small, even large displacements in x[1] will have large correlations


Robin K. S. Hankin



jj <- latin.hypercube(2,10)
x1 <- jj[1,]
x2 <- jj[2,]

corr(x1,x2,scales=rep(1,10))             # correlation between 2 points
corr(x1,x2,pos.def.matrix=0.1+diag(10))  # see effect of offdiagonal elements

x <- latin.hypercube(4,7)                # 4 points in 7-dimensional space
rownames(x) <- letters[1:4]              # name the points


x[1,1] <- 100                            # make the first point far away

# note that all the first row and first column apart from element [1,1]
# is zero (or very nearly so) because the first point is now very far
# from the other points and has zero correlation with them.

# To use just a single dimension, remember to use the drop=FALSE argument:

# For problems in 1D, coerce the independent variable to a matrix:
m <- c(0.2, 0.4, 0.403, 0.9)

# now use a non-default value for distance.function.
# Function f() below taken from Jeremy Oakley's thesis page 12,
# equation 2.10:

f <- function(x,y,theta){
  d <- sum(abs(x-y))
  if(d >= theta){

corr.matrix(xold=x, distance.function=f, method=2, theta=4)

 # Note the first row and first column is a single 1 and 3 zeros
 # (because the first point, viz x[1,], is "far" from the other points).
 # Also note the method=2 argument here; method=1 is the fast slick
 # matrix method suggested by Doug and Jeremy, but this only works
 # for distance.function=corr.

[Package emulator version 1.2-24 Index]