Estimated Marginal Means, aka Least-Squares Means

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Documentation for package ‘emmeans’ version 1.10.3

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A C D E F G H I J L M N O P Q R S T U V W X misc

emmeans-package Estimated marginal means (aka Least-squares means)

-- A --

add_grouping Manipulate factors in a reference grid Summaries, predictions, intervals, and tests for 'emmGrid' objects The 'emm_list' class The 'emm_list' class
as.emmGrid Convert to and from 'emmGrid' objects
as.emm_list Convert to and from 'emmGrid' objects
as.glht Support for 'multcomp::glht'
as.glht.emmGrid Support for 'multcomp::glht'
as.list.emmGrid Convert to and from 'emmGrid' objects
as.mcmc.emmGrid Support for MCMC-based estimation
as.mcmc.emm_list Support for MCMC-based estimation
as.mcmc.list.emmGrid Support for MCMC-based estimation
as.mcmc.list.emm_list Support for MCMC-based estimation
auto.noise Auto Pollution Filter Noise

-- C --

cld.emmGrid Compact letter displays
cld.emm_list Compact letter displays
coef.emmGrid Contrasts and linear functions of EMMs
coef.emm_list The 'emm_list' class
comb_facs Manipulate factors in a reference grid
confint.emmGrid Summaries, predictions, intervals, and tests for 'emmGrid' objects
confint.emm_list The 'emm_list' class
consec.emmc Contrast families
contrast Contrasts and linear functions of EMMs
contrast-methods Contrast families
contrast.emmGrid Contrasts and linear functions of EMMs
contrast.emm_list The 'emm_list' class

-- D --

del.eff.emmc Contrast families
dunnett.emmc Contrast families

-- E --

eff.emmc Contrast families
eff_size Calculate effect sizes and confidence bounds thereof
emm Support for 'multcomp::glht'
emmc-functions Contrast families
emmeans Estimated marginal means (Least-squares means)
emmGrid-class The 'emmGrid' class
emmip Interaction-style plots for estimated marginal means
emmip.default Interaction-style plots for estimated marginal means
emmip_ggplot Interaction-style plots for estimated marginal means
emmip_lattice Interaction-style plots for estimated marginal means
emmobj Construct an 'emmGrid' object from scratch
emm_basis Support functions for model extensions
emm_defaults Set or change emmeans options
emm_example Run or list additional examples
emm_list The 'emm_list' class
emm_options Set or change emmeans options
emtrends Estimated marginal means of linear trends
extending-emmeans Support functions for model extensions

-- F --

feedlot Feedlot data
fiber Fiber data
force_regular Combine or subset 'emmGrid' objects

-- G --

get.lsm.option Wrappers for alternative naming of EMMs
get_emm_option Set or change emmeans options
glht-support Support for 'multcomp::glht'
glht.emmGrid Support for 'multcomp::glht'
glht.emmlf Support for 'multcomp::glht'

-- H --

head.emmGrid Combine or subset 'emmGrid' objects
hpd.summary Summarize an emmGrid from a Bayesian model

-- I --

identity.emmc Contrast families
inverse Response-transformation extensions

-- J --

joint_tests Compute joint tests of the terms in a model

-- L --

levels<-.emmGrid Update an 'emmGrid' object
lsm Wrappers for alternative naming of EMMs
lsm.options Wrappers for alternative naming of EMMs
lsmeans Wrappers for alternative naming of EMMs
lsmip Wrappers for alternative naming of EMMs
lsmobj Wrappers for alternative naming of EMMs
lstrends Wrappers for alternative naming of EMMs

-- M --

make.meanint Compute joint tests of the terms in a model
make.symmint Compute joint tests of the terms in a model
make.tran Response-transformation extensions
mcmc-support Support for MCMC-based estimation
meanint Compute joint tests of the terms in a model
mean_chg.emmc Contrast families
MOats Oats data in multivariate form
modelparm.emmwrap Support for 'multcomp::glht'
models Models supported in 'emmeans'
mvcontrast Multivariate contrasts

-- N --

neuralgia Neuralgia data
nutrition Nutrition data

-- O --

oranges Sales of oranges

-- P --

pairs.emmGrid Contrasts and linear functions of EMMs
pairs.emm_list The 'emm_list' class
pairwise.emmc Contrast families
permute_levels Manipulate factors in a reference grid
pigs Effects of dietary protein on free plasma leucine concentration in pigs
plot.emmGrid Plot an 'emmGrid' or 'summary_emm' object
plot.emm_list The 'emm_list' class
plot.summary_emm Plot an 'emmGrid' or 'summary_emm' object
poly.emmc Contrast families
predict.emmGrid Summaries, predictions, intervals, and tests for 'emmGrid' objects
print.emmGrid Miscellaneous methods for 'emmGrid' objects
print.emm_list The 'emm_list' class
print.xtable_emm Using 'xtable' for EMMs
pwpm Pairwise P-value matrix (plus other statistics)
pwpp Pairwise P-value plot

-- Q --

qdrg Quick and dirty reference grid

-- R --

rbind.emmGrid Combine or subset 'emmGrid' objects
rbind.emm_list Combine or subset 'emmGrid' objects
rbind.summary_emm Combine or subset 'emmGrid' objects
recover_data Support functions for model extensions Support functions for model extensions
ref_grid Create a reference grid from a fitted model
regrid Reconstruct a reference grid with a new transformation or simulations
revpairwise.emmc Contrast families

-- S --

split_fac Manipulate factors in a reference grid
str.emmGrid Miscellaneous methods for 'emmGrid' objects
str.emm_list The 'emm_list' class
subset.emmGrid Combine or subset 'emmGrid' objects
summary.emmGrid Summaries, predictions, intervals, and tests for 'emmGrid' objects
summary.emm_list The 'emm_list' class
symmint Compute joint tests of the terms in a model

-- T --

tail.emmGrid Combine or subset 'emmGrid' objects
test Summaries, predictions, intervals, and tests for 'emmGrid' objects
test.emmGrid Summaries, predictions, intervals, and tests for 'emmGrid' objects
test.emm_list The 'emm_list' class
trt.vs.ctrl.emmc Contrast families
trt.vs.ctrl1.emmc Contrast families
trt.vs.ctrlk.emmc Contrast families
tukey.emmc Contrast families

-- U --

ubds Unbalanced dataset
untidy Dare to be un-"tidy"!
update.emmGrid Update an 'emmGrid' object
update.summary_emm Update an 'emmGrid' object

-- V --

vcov.emmGrid Miscellaneous methods for 'emmGrid' objects

-- W --

weights.emmGrid Contrasts and linear functions of EMMs
wrappers Wrappers for alternative naming of EMMs
wtcon.emmc Contrast families

-- X --

xtable.emmGrid Using 'xtable' for EMMs
xtable.summary_emm Using 'xtable' for EMMs

-- misc --

+.emmGrid Combine or subset 'emmGrid' objects
.all.vars Support functions for model extensions
.aovlist.dffun Support functions for model extensions
.cmpMM Support functions for model extensions
.combine.terms Support functions for model extensions
.diag Support functions for model extensions
.emm_basis Support functions for model extensions
.emm_register Support functions for model extensions
.emm_vignette Support functions for model extensions
.get.excl Support functions for model extensions
.get.offset Support functions for model extensions Support functions for model extensions
.my.vcov Support functions for model extensions
.num.key Support functions for model extensions
.recover_data Support functions for model extensions Support functions for model extensions Support functions for model extensions
[.emmGrid Combine or subset 'emmGrid' objects
[.summary_emm Summaries, predictions, intervals, and tests for 'emmGrid' objects