fh {emdi}R Documentation

Standard and Extended Fay-Herriot Models for Disaggregated Indicators


Function fh estimates indicators using the Fay-Herriot approach by Fay and Herriot (1979). Empirical best linear unbiased predictors (EBLUPs) and mean squared error (MSE) estimates are provided. Additionally, different extensions of the standard Fay-Herriot model are available:
Adjusted estimation methods for the variance of the random effects (see Li and Lahiri (2010) and Yoshimori and Lahiri (2014)) are offered. Log and arcsin transformation for the dependent variable and two types of backtransformation can be chosen - a crude version and the one introduced by Slud and Maiti (2006) for log transformed variables and a naive and bias-corrected version following Hadam et al. (2020) for arcsin transformed variables and Runge (2023) for logit transformed variables. A spatial extension to the Fay-Herriot model following Petrucci and Salvati (2006) is also included. In addition, it is possible to estimate a robust version of the standard and of the spatial model (see Warnholz (2016)). Finally, a Fay-Herriot model can be estimated when the auxiliary information is measured with error following Ybarra and Lohr (2008).


  domains = NULL,
  method = "reml",
  interval = NULL,
  k = 1.345,
  mult_constant = 1,
  transformation = "no",
  backtransformation = NULL,
  eff_smpsize = NULL,
  correlation = "no",
  corMatrix = NULL,
  Ci = NULL,
  tol = 1e-04,
  maxit = 100,
  mse_type = "analytical",
  B = c(50, 0),
  seed = 123



a two-sided linear formula object describing the fixed-effects part of the linear mixed regression model with the dependent variable on the left of a ~ operator and the explanatory variables on the right, separated by + operators.


a character string indicating the name of the variable containing the domain-specific sampling variances of the direct estimates that are included in


a data set containing all the input variables that are needed for the estimation of the Fay-Herriot model: the direct estimates, the sampling variances, the explanatory variables and the domains. In addition, the effective sample size needs to be included, if the arcsin transformation is chosen.


a character string indicating the domain variable that is included in combined_data. If NULL, the domains are numbered consecutively.


a character string describing the method for the estimation of the variance of the random effects. Methods that can be chosen (i) restricted maximum likelihood (REML) method ("reml"), (ii) maximum likelihood method ("ml"), (iii) adjusted REML following Li and Lahiri (2010) ("amrl"), (iv) adjusted ML following Li and Lahiri (2010) ("ampl"), (v) adjusted REML following Yoshimori and Lahiri (2014) ("amrl_yl"), (vi) adjusted ML following Yoshimori and Lahiri (2014) ("ampl_yl"), (vii) robustified maximum likelihood with robust EBLUP prediction following Warnholz (2017) ("reblup"), (viii) robustified maximum likelihood with robust and bias-corrected EBLUP prediction following Warnholz (2017) ("reblupbc"), (ix) estimation of the measurement error model of Ybarra and Lohr (2008) ("me"). Defaults to "reml".


optional argument, if method "reml" and "ml" in combination with correlation equals "no" is chosen or for the adjusted variance estimation methods "amrl", "amrl_yl", "ampl" and "ampl_yl". Is internally set to c(0, var(direct estimates)). If a transformation is applied, the interval is internally set to c(0, var(transformed(direct estimates))). If desired, interval can be specified to a numeric vector containing a lower and upper limit for the estimation of the variance of the random effects. Defaults to NULL.


numeric tuning constant. Required argument when the robust version of the standard or spatial Fay-Herriot model is chosen. Defaults to 1.345. For detailed information, please refer to Warnholz (2016).


numeric multiplier constant used in the bias corrected version of the robust estimation methods. Required argument when the robust version of the standard or spatial Fay-Herriot model is chosen. Default is to make no correction for realizations of direct estimator within mult_constant = 1 times the standard deviation of direct estimator. For detailed information, please refer to Warnholz (2016).


a character that determines the type of transformation of the dependent variable and of the sampling variances. Methods that can be chosen (i) no transformation ("no"), (ii) log transformation ("log") of the dependent variable and of the sampling variances, (iii) arcsin transformation ("arcsin") of the dependent variable and of the sampling variances following. (iv) logit transformation ("logit") of the dependent variable and of the sampling variances following. Defaults to "no". For more information, how the direct estimate and its variance are transformed, please see the package vignette "A Framework for Producing Small Area Estimates Based on Area-Level Models in R".


a character that determines the type of backtransformation of the EBLUPs and MSE estimates. Required argument when a transformation is chosen. Available methods are (i) crude bias-correction following Rao (2015) when the log transformation is chosen ("bc_crude"), (ii) bias-correction following Slud and Maiti (2006) when the log transformations is chosen ("bc_sm"), (iii) naive back transformation when the arcsin or logit transformation is chosen ("naive"), (iii) bias-corrected back transformation following Sugasawa and Kubokawa (2017), Hadam et al. (2020) and Runge (2023) when the arcsin or logit transformation is chosen ("bc"). Defaults to NULL.


a character string indicating the name of the variable containing the effective sample sizes that are included in combined_data. Required argument when the arcsin transformation is chosen. Defaults to NULL.


a character determining the correlation structure of the random effects. Possible correlations are (i) no correlation ("no"), (ii) incorporation of a spatial correlation in the random effects ("spatial"). Defaults to "no".


matrix or data frame with dimensions number of areas times number of areas containing the row-standardized proximities between the domains. Values must lie between 0 and 1. The columns and rows must be sorted like the domains in fixed. For an example how to create the proximity matrix, please refer to the vignette. Required argument when the correlation is set to "spatial". Defaults to NULL.


array with dimension number of estimated regression coefficients times number of estimated regression coefficients times number of areas containing the variance-covariance matrix of the explanatory variables for each area. For an example of how to create the array, please refer to the vignette. Required argument within the Ybarra-Lohr model (method = me). Defaults to NULL.


a number determining the tolerance value for the estimation of the variance of the random effects. Required argument when method "reml" and "ml" in combination with correlation ="spatial" are chosen or for the variance estimation methods "reblup", "reblupbc" and "me". Defaults to 0.0001.


a number determining the maximum number of iterations for the estimation of the variance of the random effects. Required argument when method "reml" and "ml" in combination with correlation equals "spatial" is chosen or for the variance estimation methods "reblup", "reblupbc" and "me". Defaults to 100.


if TRUE, MSE estimates are calculated. Defaults to FALSE.


a character string determining the estimation method of the MSE. Methods that can be chosen (i) analytical MSE depending on the estimation method of the variance of the random effect ("analytical"), (ii) a jackknife MSE ("jackknife"), (iii) a weighted jackknife MSE ("weighted_jackknife"), (iv) bootstrap ("boot"), (v) approximation of the MSE based on a pseudo linearisation ("pseudo"), (vi) naive parametric bootstrap for the spatial Fay-Herriot model ("spatialparboot"), (vii) bias corrected parametric bootstrap for the spatial Fay-Herriot model ("spatialparbootbc"), (viii) naive nonparametric bootstrap for the spatial Fay-Herriot model ("spatialnonparboot"), (ix) bias corrected nonparametric bootstrap for the spatial Fay-Herriot model ("spatialnonparbootbc"). Options (ii)-(iv) are of interest when the arcsin transformation is selected. Option (iv) is of interest when the logit transformation is selected. Option (ii) must be chosen when an Ybarra-Lohr model is selected (method = me). Options (iv) and (v) are the MSE options for the robust extensions of the Fay-Herriot model. For an extensive overview of the possible MSE options, please refer to the vignette. Required argument when MSE = TRUE. Defaults to "analytical".


either a single number or a numeric vector with two elements. The single number or the first element defines the number of bootstrap iterations when a bootstrap MSE estimator is chosen. When the standard FH model is applied and the information criteria by Marhuenda et al. (2014) should be computed, the second element of B is needed and must be greater than 1. Defaults to c(50,0). For practical applications, values larger than 200 are recommended.


an integer to set the seed for the random number generator. For the usage of random number generation see details. If seed is set to NULL, seed is chosen randomly. Defaults to 123.


In the bootstrap approaches, random number generation is used. Thus, a seed is set by the argument seed.

Out-of-sample EBLUPs are available for all area-level models except for the bc_sm backtransformation and for the robust models.
Out-of-sample MSEs are available for the analytical MSE estimator of the standard Fay-Herriot model with reml and ml variance estimation, the crude backtransformation in case of log transformation and the bootstrap MSE estimator for the arcsin and logit transformation.

For a description of how to create the proximity matrix for the spatial Fay-Herriot model, see the package vignette. If the presence of out-of-sample domains, the proximity matrix needs to be subsetted to the in-sample domains.


An object of class "fh", "emdi" that provides estimators for regional disaggregated indicators like means and ratios and optionally corresponding MSE estimates. Several generic functions have methods for the returned object. For a full list and descriptions of the components of objects of class "emdi", see emdiObject.


Chen S., Lahiri P. (2002), A weighted jackknife MSPE estimator in small-area estimation, "Proceeding of the Section on Survey Research Methods", American Statistical Association, 473 - 477.

Datta, G. S. and Lahiri, P. (2000), A unified measure of uncertainty of Statistica Sinica 10(2), 613-627.

Fay, R. E. and Herriot, R. A. (1979), Estimates of income for small places: An application of James-Stein procedures to census data, Journal of the American Statistical Association 74(366), 269-277.

González-Manteiga, W., Lombardía, M. J., Molina, I., Morales, D. and Santamaría, L. (2008) Analytic and bootstrap approximations of prediction errors under a multivariate Fay-Herriot model. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 52, 5242–5252.

Hadam, S., Wuerz, N. and Kreutzmann, A.-K. (2020), Estimating regional unemployment with mobile network data for Functional Urban Areas in Germany, Refubium - Freie Universitaet Berlin Repository, 1-28.

Jiang, J., Lahiri, P., Wan, S.-M. and Wu, C.-H. (2001), Jackknifing in the Fay–Herriot model with an example. In Proc. Sem. Funding Opportunity in Survey Research, Washington DC: Bureau of Labor Statistics, 75–97.

Jiang, J., Lahiri, P.,Wan, S.-M. (2002), A unified jackknife theory for empirical best prediction with M-estimation, Ann. Statist., 30, 1782-810.

Li, H. and Lahiri, P. (2010), An adjusted maximum likelihood method for solving small area estimation problems, Journal of Multivariate Analyis 101, 882-902.

Marhuenda, Y., Morales, D. and Pardo, M.C. (2014). Information criteria for Fay-Herriot model selection. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 70, 268-280.

Neves, A., Silva, D. and Correa, S. (2013), Small domain estimation for the Brazilian service sector survey, ESTADISTICA 65(185), 13-37.

Prasad, N. and Rao, J. (1990), The estimation of the mean squared error of small-area estimation, Journal of the American Statistical Association 85(409), 163-171.

Petrucci, A., Salvati, N. (2006), Small Area Estimation for Spatial Correlation in Watershed Erosion Assessment, Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics, 11(2), 169–182.

Rao, J. N. K. (2003), Small Area Estimation, New York: Wiley.

Rao, J. N. K. and Molina, I. (2015), Small area estimation, New York: Wiley.

Runge, M. (2023), Estimating Intra-Regional Inequality with an Application to German Spatial Planning Regions, Journal of Official Statistics 39(2), pp. 203–228.

Slud, E. and Maiti, T. (2006), Mean-squared error estimation in transformed Fay-Herriot models, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society:Series B 68(2), 239-257.

Sugasawa, S., and Kubokawa, T. (2017), Transforming response values in small area prediction, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 114, 47–60.

Warnholz, S. (2016), saeRobust: Robust small area estimation. R package.

Warnholz, S. (2016b). Small area estimation using robust extensions to area level models. Ph.D. thesis, Freie Universitaet Berlin.

Ybarra, L. and Lohr, S. (2008), Small area estimation when auxiliary information is measured with error, Biometrika, 95(4), 919-931.

Yoshimori, M. and Lahiri, P. (2014), A new adjusted maximum likelihood method for the Fay-Herriot small area model, Journal of Multivariate Analysis 124, 281-294.


# Loading data - population and sample data

# Combine sample and population data
combined_data <- combine_data(
  pop_data = eusilcA_popAgg,
  pop_domains = "Domain",
  smp_data = eusilcA_smpAgg,
  smp_domains = "Domain"

# Example 1: Standard Fay-Herriot model and analytical MSE
fh_std <- fh(
  fixed = Mean ~ cash + self_empl, vardir = "Var_Mean",
  combined_data = combined_data, domains = "Domain", method = "ml",

# Example 2: arcsin transformation of the dependent variable
fh_arcsin <- fh(
  fixed = MTMED ~ cash + age_ben + rent + house_allow,
  vardir = "Var_MTMED", combined_data = combined_data, domains = "Domain",
  method = "ml", transformation = "arcsin", backtransformation = "bc",
  eff_smpsize = "n", MSE = TRUE, mse_type = "boot", B = c(50, 0)

# Example 3: Spatial Fay-Herriot model
# Load proximity matrix
fh_spatial <- fh(
  fixed = Mean ~ cash + self_empl, vardir = "Var_Mean",
  combined_data = combined_data, domains = "Domain", method = "reml",
  correlation = "spatial", corMatrix = eusilcA_prox, MSE = TRUE,
  mse_type = "analytical"

# Example 4: Robust Fay-Herriot model
fh_robust <- fh(
  fixed = Mean ~ cash + self_empl, vardir = "Var_Mean",
  combined_data = combined_data, domains = "Domain", method = "reblupbc",
  k = 1.345, mult_constant = 1, MSE = TRUE, mse_type = "pseudo"

# Example 5: Ybarra-Lohr model
# Create MSE array
P <- 1
M <- length(eusilcA_smpAgg$Mean)
Ci_array <- array(data = 0, dim = c(P + 1, P + 1, M))
for (i in 1:M) {
  Ci_array[2, 2, i] <- eusilcA_smpAgg$Var_Cash[i]
fh_yl <- fh(
  fixed = Mean ~ Cash, vardir = "Var_Mean",
  combined_data = eusilcA_smpAgg, domains = "Domain", method = "me",
  Ci = Ci_array, MSE = TRUE, mse_type = "jackknife"

# Example 6: logit transformation of the dependent variable
emdi_direct <- direct(
  y = "eqIncome", smp_data = eusilcA_smp,
  smp_domains = "district", weights = "weight", threshold = 11064.82,
  var = TRUE, boot_type = "naive", B = 50, seed = 123, X_calib = NULL,
  totals = NULL, na.rm = TRUE
combined_data <- combine_data(
  pop_data = eusilcA_popAgg,
  pop_domains = "Domain",
  smp_data = data.frame(emdi_direct$ind[ , c("Domain", "Gini")],
                        Var_Gini = emdi_direct$MSE[ , c("Gini")]),
  smp_domains = "Domain"
fh_logit <- fh(
  fixed = Gini ~ cash + age_ben + rent + house_allow + self_empl,
  vardir = "Var_Gini", combined_data = combined_data, domains = "Domain",
  method = "ml", transformation = "logit", backtransformation = "bc",
  MSE = TRUE, mse_type = "boot", B = c(50, 0)

[Package emdi version 2.2.2 Index]