hierIRT {emIRT}R Documentation

Hierarchichal IRT estimation via Variational Inference


hierIRT estimates an hierarchical IRT model with two response categories, allowing the use of covariates to help determine ideal point estimates. Estimation is conducted using the variational EM algorithm described in the reference paper below. A special case of this model occurs when time/session is used as the covariate — this allows legislator ideal points to vary over time with a parametric time trend. Notably, the popular DW-NOMINATE model (Poole and Rosenthal, 1997) is one such example, in which legislator ideal points shift by a constant amount each period, and the error term in the hierarchical model is set to 0. In contrast to other functions in this package, this model does not assume a ‘rectangular’ roll call matrix, and all data are stored in vector form.


  hierIRT(.data, .starts = NULL, .priors = NULL, .control = NULL) 



a list with the following items:


A (L x 1) matrix of observed votes. ‘1’ and ‘-1’ are the yea and nay codes.


A (L x 1) integer matrix of indexes of the ideal point i[l] linked to each observed vote l = 0 \ldots L. Indexes begin at 0 and reach a maximum value of I - 1.


A (L x 1) integer matrix of indexes of the bill/item j[l] linked to each observed vote l = 0 \ldots L. Indexes begin at 0 and reach a maximum value of J - 1.


A (I x 1) integer matrix of indexes of the group membership g[i[l]] linked to each ideal point i = 0 \ldots I. Indexes begin at 0 and reach a maximum value of G - 1.


A (I x D) numeric matrix of observed covariates. Rows correspond to ideal points i = 0 \ldots I. The columns correspond to the D different covariates. Typically, the first column will be an intercept and fixed to 1, while other columns represent ideal point-specific covariates such as session.


a list containing several matrices of starting values for the parameters. The list should contain the following matrices:


A (J x 1) matrix of starting values for the item difficulty parameter αj\alpha_j.


A (J x 1) matrix of starting values for the item discrimination parameter βj\beta_j.


An (I x D) matrix of starting values for the group level coefficients γm\gamma_{m}.


An (I x 1) matrix of starting values for the ideal point error term ηn\eta_n.


An (G x 1) matrix of starting values for the group level variance parameter σm2\sigma^2_m.


list, containing several matrices of starting values for the parameters. The list should contain the following matrices:


A (D x 1) prior means matrix for all group level coefficients γm\gamma_{m}.


A (D x D) prior covariance matrix for all group level coefficients γm\gamma_{m}.


A (2 x 1) prior means matrix for all bill parameters αj\alpha_j and βj\beta_j.


A (2 x 2) prior covariance matrix for all bill parameters αj\alpha_j and βj\beta_j.


A (1 x 1) matrix containing the group level variance prior parameter νσ\nu_{\sigma}.


A (1 x 1) matrix containing the group level variance prior parameter sσ2s^2_{\sigma}.


list, specifying some control functions for estimation. Options include the following:


integer, indicating number of cores to use. Default is to use a single core, but more can be supported if more speed is desired.


boolean, indicating whether output during estimation should be verbose or not. Set FALSE by default.


numeric. Algorithm will run until all parameters correlate at 1 - thresh across consecutive iterations. Set at 1e-6 by default.


integer. Sets the maximum number of iterations the algorithm can run. Set at 500 by default.


integer. Sets frequency of verbose output by number of iterations. Set at 50 by default.


An object of class hierIRT.


list, containing several matrices of point estimates for the parameters corresponding to the inputs for the priors. The list should contain the following matrices.


A (J x 1) matrix of point estimates for the item difficulty parameter αj\alpha_j.


A (J x 1) matrix of point estimates for the item discrimination parameter βj\beta_j.


An (I x D) matrix of point estimates for the group level coefficients γm\gamma_{m}.


An (I x 1) matrix of point estimates for the ideal point error term ηn\eta_n.


An (G x 1) matrix of point estimates for the group level variance parameter σm2\sigma^2_m.


An (I x 1) matrix of the implied ideal point xix_i, calculated as a function of gamma, z, and eta using the point estimates for those parameters.


list, containing several matrices of variance estimates for several parameters of interest for diagnostic purposes. Note that these variances are those recovered via variational approximation, and in most cases they are known to be far too small and generally unusable. The list should contain the following matrices:


A (I x 1) matrix of variance estimates for the ideal point noise parameter ηn\eta_n.


A (G x D x D) cube of covariance estimates for the gamma parameters for each group. Each of the G items is a matrix with a single covariance matrix for the m-th group's D gamma parameters.


A (J x 2 x 2) cube of covariance estimates for the item parameters αj\alpha_j and βj\beta_j. Each of the J items is a matrix with a single covariance matrix for the j-th item.


A list of fit results, with elements listed as follows:


integer, number of iterations run.


integer, convergence flag. Will return 1 if threshold reached, and 0 if maximum number of iterations reached.


integer, number of threads used to estimated model.


numeric, tolerance threshold for convergence. Identical to thresh argument in input to .control list.


A list of counts of various items:


integer, number of dimensions (i.e. number of covariates, including intercept).


integer, number of groups.


integer, number of ideal points.


integer, number of items/bill parameters.


integer, number of observed votes.


Function call used to generate output.


Kosuke Imai imai@harvard.edu

James Lo lojames@usc.edu

Jonathan Olmsted jpolmsted@gmail.com


Variational model is described in Kosuke Imai, James Lo, and Jonathan Olmsted “Fast Estimation of Ideal Points with Massive Data.” American Political Science Review, Volume 110, Issue 4, November 2016, pp. 631-656. <DOI:10.1017/S000305541600037X>.

See Also



### Real data example of US Senate 80-110 (not run)
### Based on voteview.com example of DW-NOMINATE (\url{https://voteview.com/})
### We estimate a hierarchical model without noise and a linear time covariate
### This model corresponds very closely to the DW-NOMINATE model

## Not run: 

## This takes about 10 minutes to run on 8 threads
## You may need to reduce threads depending on what your machine can support
lout <- hierIRT(.data = dwnom$data.in,
                    .starts = dwnom$cur,
                    .priors = dwnom$priors,
                    .control = {list(
                    threads = 8,
                    verbose = TRUE,
                    thresh = 1e-4,

## Bind ideal point estimates back to legislator data
final <- cbind(dwnom$legis, idealpt.hier=lout$means$x_implied)

## These are estimates from DW-NOMINATE as given on the Voteview example
## From file "SL80110C21.DAT"
nomres <- dwnom$nomres

## Merge the DW-NOMINATE estimates to model results by legislator ID
## Check correlation between hierIRT() and DW-NOMINATE scores
res <- merge(final, nomres, by=c("senate","id"),all.x=TRUE,all.y=FALSE)
cor(res$idealpt.hier, res$dwnom1d)

## End(Not run)

[Package emIRT version 0.0.14 Index]