elections_tse {electionsBR}R Documentation

Function for downloading electoral data from the TSE repository


The elections_tse() function is a wrapper that allows users to download and clean electoral data from Brazil's TSE repository. This function provides data on candidates, electoral results, personal finances, and other election-related information from 1998 to 2022. The returned data.frame contains observations corresponding to candidates, cities, or electoral zones.


  uf = "all",
  br_archive = FALSE,
  ascii = FALSE,
  encoding = "latin1",
  export = FALSE,
  temp = TRUE,
  data_table = FALSE,
  readme_pdf = FALSE



Election year. Valid options are 1998, 2002, 2006, 2010, 2014, 2018, and 2022 for federal elections; and 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, and 2020 for municipal elections.


Requested data type. Valid options are:

The elections_tse() function supports the following types of data downloads:

* candidate: Downloads data on the candidates. Each observation corresponds to a candidate. * vote_mun_zone: Downloads data on the verification, disaggregated by cities and electoral zones. Each observation corresponds to a city/zone. * details_mun_zone: Downloads data on the details, disaggregated by town and electoral zone. Each observation corresponds to a town/zone. * legends: Downloads data on the party denomination (coalitions or parties), disaggregated by cities. Each observation corresponds to a city. * party_mun_zone: Downloads data on the polls by parties, disaggregated by cities and electoral zones. Each observation corresponds to a city/zone. * personal_finances: Downloads data on personal financial disclosures. Each observation corresponds to a candidate's property. * seats: Downloads data on the number of seats under dispute in elections. * vote_section: Downloads data on candidate electoral results in elections in Brazil by electoral section. * voter_profile_by_section: Downloads data on the voters' profile by vote section. * voter_profile: Downloads data on the voters' profile. * social_media: Downloads data on the candidates' links to social media in federal elections.


Federation Unit acronym (character).


In the TSE's data repository, some results can be obtained for the whole country by loading a single file by setting this argument to TRUE (may not work for some elections and, in others, it only retrieves electoral data for presidential elections, which are absent in other files).


(logical). Should the text be transformed from Latin-1 to ASCII format?


Data original encoding (defaults to 'Latin-1'). This can be changed to avoid errors when ascii = TRUE.


(logical). Should the downloaded data be saved as .dta and .sav files in the current directory?


(logical). If TRUE, keep the temporary files for future use (recommended).


should the returned object be a data.table? Defaults to FALSE.


should the original README file be saved as a PDF in the working directory? Defaults to FALSE.


If export is set to TRUE, the downloaded data is saved as .dta and .sav files in the current directory.


The elections_tse() function returns a data.frame with the requested electoral data.

elections_tse() returns a data.frame with the following variables:


For elections prior to 2002, some information may be incomplete. For the 2014 and 2018 elections, additional columns are available. It is also important to note that in recent years, the TSE has changed the format of some data files, using CSV format with a header.


## Not run: 
# Download data on the candidates in the 2002 elections
cands <- elections_tse(2002, type = "candidate")

## End(Not run)

[Package electionsBR version 0.4.0 Index]