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Yolo County, CA Election Data
This is for measure W in Yolo County, CA, November 2008. The file includes precinct-level reports.
In the actual audit, 6 precincts were selected (see example) and audited by hand-to-eye count by a group of 4 people cross-checking each other. One of the 6 batches had underreported the "yes" votes by 1, and one had overreported the "yes" votes by 1. There were no other errors.
A data frame with 114 observations on the following 8 variables.
Unique identifier for the batches of ballots
- Pct
The precinct id of the batch
- how
Vote by mail (VBM) or walk-in (PCT)
- b
Number of votes cast in that unit
- under
Number of undervotes (ballots not voted).
- over
Number of overvotes (where someone marked both yes and no).
- y
Reported number of valid ballots marked yes.
- n
Reported number of valid ballots marked no.
Yolo County, CA. Special thanks to Freddie Oakley and Tom Stanionis.
See Stark et al. for papers using this data to illustrate risk-limiting audits of election data.
# Make an elec.data object out of precicnt-level results
yolo = elec.data( yolo, C.names=c("y","n","under","over"), tot.votes.col="b" )
# Look at different sample sizes and cuts for setting aside
# small precincts
CAST.calc.opt.cut( yolo, beta=0.75, stages=1, t=5, plot=TRUE )
print( yolo )
# Get details of the audit plan -- expected work, etc.
ap <- CAST.calc.sample( yolo, beta=0.75, stages=1, t=5, small.cut=5 )
print( ap )
# Draw a sample (seed not used for actual audit)
CAST.sample(yolo, ap, seed=12345678)