Elastic Full Procrustes Means for Sparse and Irregular Planar Curves

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Documentation for package ‘elastes’ version 0.1.7

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compute_elastic_shape_mean Compute an elastic full Procrustes mean for a collection of curves
fit_alignment_proc2d Optimal rotation and scaling alignment to a smooth curve
fit_mean Mean estimation for open planar curves.
get_center Calculate the center of a curve
get_distance Distance to a smooth curve
get_evals Evaluate a curve on a grid
get_evals.data.frame Evaluate a curve on a grid
get_evals.elastic_shape_mean Evaluate a curve on a grid
get_optimal_t Finds optimal alignment for discrete open curves
get_polygon_length Calculate the polygon length of a curve
get_procrustes_fit Get Procrustes data curve from mean object.
get_Procrustes_fit_from_param Helper functions for calculating Procrustes data curve from rotation, scaling and translation parameters.
get_procrustes_fit_from_param Helper functions for calculating Procrustes data curve from rotation, scaling and translation parameters.
plot.elastic_shape_mean Plot method for planar elastic Procrustes mean curves