eiadate {eia}R Documentation

EIA date parsing


Helper functions for manipulating and converting between regular year-month-day date strings and EIA date string notation.



date_to_eiadate(x, date_format = c("A", "Q", "M", "W", "D", "H"))

eiadate_to_date_seq(start, end, weekly = FALSE)



character, EIA date string; character or date object for regular dates. See details.


EIA date format: "A", "Q", "M", "W", "D", "H". These stand for annual, quarterly, monthly, weekly, daily, hourly. See details.


start EIA date or date.


end EIA date or date.


logical. See details.


There is no reason to mix EIA date formats in this context. Functions that take EIA date strings expect a consistent format. Also, EIA date formats are parsed automatically from the dates themselves. However, daily and weekly use the same format. Too avoid ambiguity in eia_date_seq(), daily is assumed; set weekly = TRUE to treat as weekly.

When providing a real date or date string, such as to date_to_eiadate(), dates should be in YYYY-MM-DD format, or at least any format that can be parsed by lubridate::ymd or lubridate::ymd_hms for dates and hourly date times, respectively.

"LH" is not a supported date format. Use "H". The API does not translate the date and time when using "LH" anyhow; it simply appends the date string with the number of hours time difference.


eiadate_to_date(c("2018-03", "2018-04"))

date_to_eiadate("2018-05-14", "A")
date_to_eiadate("2018-05-14", "Q")
date_to_eiadate("2018-05-14", "M")

(x <- eiadate_to_date_seq("2018-Q1", "2018-Q4"))
date_to_eiadate(x, "Q")
date_to_eiadate(x, "M")

(x <- eiadate_to_date("2019-01-02T16Z"))
date_to_eiadate(x, "H")
(x <- eiadate_to_date_seq("2019-01-02T16Z", "2019-01-02T19Z"))
date_to_eiadate(x, "H")

[Package eia version 0.4.2 Index]