define_activity {efdm}R Documentation

Define an activity


Define an activity


define_activity(name, dynamicvariables, transprobs = NULL, probname = name)



Name of activity used in reporting


Names of variables where changes happen


Transition probabilities (data.frame)


(optional) Name of activity in activity probabilities data


The set of activities in EFDM defines all possible alternatives for a forest stratum to develop during a scenario run step. Therefore activities are not only limited to forest treatments and management actions such as thinnings and final fellings but should also include 'no management' i.e. growth, if applicable. An activity may also be something else affecting the development, for example, a forest hazard: snow, wind, drought, pest damage etc.

name is used as the name of the activity in the result of runEFDM and it is used to identify the activity probability. If multiple activities should be reported under a common name, actprobname can be used to specify the activity name in activity probability data.

dynamicvariables are those (state space) variables which change as a result of the activity Typically an activity affects on the age, volume or stem count of the forest, but an activity may also, for example, change land-use and then a variable related to land-use categories is essential.

The transprobs should be a data.frame with columns:

estimatetransprobs can be used to estimate transition probabilities from a similar set of pair data of observations.


An activity definition


define_activity("nomanagement", c("vol", "age"))

[Package efdm version 0.2.1 Index]