Tools for Pre-Processing Emission-Excitation-Matrix (EEM) Fluorescence Data

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Documentation for package ‘eemR’ version 1.0.1

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absorbance CDOM absorbance data.
eem eem constructor
eem_bind Bind eem or eemlist
eem_biological_index Calculate the biological fluorescence index (BIX)
eem_coble_peaks Extract fluorescence peaks
eem_cut Cut emission and/or excitation wavelengths from EEMs
eem_export_matlab Export EEMs to Matlab
eem_extract Extract EEM samples
eem_extract_blank Extract blank EEM
eem_fluorescence_index Calculate the fluorescence index (FI)
eem_humification_index Calculate the fluorescence humification index (HIX)
eem_inner_filter_effect Inner-filter effect correction
eem_names The names of an eem or eemlist objects
eem_names<- Set the sample names of an eem or eemlist objects
eem_peaks Extract fluorescence peaks
eem_raman_normalisation Fluorescence Intensity Calibration Using the Raman Scatter Peak of Water
eem_read Read excitation-emission fluorescence matrix (eem)
eem_remove_blank Blank correction
eem_remove_scattering Remove Raman and Rayleigh scattering
eem_set_wavelengths Set Excitation and/or Emission wavelengths
plot.eemlist Surface plot of eem
print.eemlist Display summary of an eemlist object
summary.eemlist Display summary of an eemlist object