getNiceAlignment {edlibR}R Documentation

Output alignments from align() in NICE format. This outputs the alignment from align() in a visually informative format for human inspection.


Output alignments from align() in NICE format. This outputs the alignment from align() in a visually informative format for human inspection.


getNiceAlignment(alignResult, query, target, gapSymbol = "-")



list Output of the method align() Note: align() requires the argument task="path" for 'alignResult' to output a CIGAR for getNiceAlignment() Note: Also, align() requires the argument cigarFormat="extended" in order for getNiceAlignment() to work


character string The exact query used for alignResult


character string The exact target used for alignResult


character (default="-") Character used to represent gaps in the alignment between query and target. This must be a single character, i.e. a string of length 1.


Alignment in NICE format, which is an informative visual representation of how the query and target align to each other. e.g., for "telephone" and "elephant", it would look like: telephone |||||.|. -elephant It is represented as an R list with the following fields: - query_aligned (character string) - matched_aligned (character string) ('|' for match, '.' for mismatch, ' ' for insertion/deletion) - target_aligned (character string) Normally you will want to print these three in order above with the function nice_print(), or another method to apply pretty-printing to R lists


query = "elephant"
target = "telephone"
result = align(query, target, task = "path")
nice_algn = getNiceAlignment(result, query, target)

[Package edlibR version 1.0.2 Index]