addButtons |
Add modification buttons as a column |
beginTransaction |
Start a transaction for a tibble |
castForDisplay |
Cast columns in 'data.frame' to editable types in datatable |
castFromTbl |
Cast tbl to class of template |
castToFactor |
Cast all columns that exist in a foreignTbl to factor |
castToSQLSupportedType |
Cast the data type to something supported by SQL. |
castToTbl |
Cast data to tbl |
castToTemplate |
Cast 'tbl' or 'data.frame' x to the types of the template |
checkForeignTbls |
Check if all rows in tbl fufill 'foreignTbl' constraints |
coalesce |
Return first non 'NULL' argument |
coerceColumns |
Cast columns to the type of the template |
coerceValue |
'DT::coerceValue' with better 'POSIXct' support |
commitTransaction |
Start a transaction for a tibble |
connectDB |
Connect to a database. |
createButtons |
Create buttons to modify the row. See 'createButtonsHTML' |
createButtonsHTML |
Helper function to write HTML |
customButton |
Generate a custom button for 'eDT' |
demoServer_custom |
Server of the mtcars demo app |
demoServer_DB |
Server of the DB demo app |
demoServer_mtcars |
Server of the mtcars demo app |
demoUI_custom |
UI of the demo mtcars app |
demoUI_DB |
UI of the DB demo app |
demoUI_mtcars |
UI of the demo mtcars app |
devServer |
Server of the development app |
devUI |
UI of the development app |
disableDoubleClickButtonCss |
Function to generate CSS to disable clicking events on a column |
eDT |
Create a modifieable datatable. |
eDTOutput |
UI part of 'eDT' |
eDT_app |
Open interactive app to explore and modify data |
eDT_app_server |
Server of eDT_app |
eDT_app_ui |
UI of eDT_app |
e_rows_insert |
Insert rows into a tibble |
e_rows_insert.default |
Insert rows into a tibble |
e_rows_insert.dtplyr_step |
rows_insert implementation for 'data.table' backends. |
e_rows_insert.tbl_dbi |
rows_insert implementation for DBI backends. |
e_rows_update |
Update rows of a tibble | |
rows_update implementation for data.frame backends. |
e_rows_update.default |
Update rows of a tibble |
e_rows_update.dtplyr_step |
rows_update implementation for data.table backends. |
e_rows_update.tbl_dbi |
rows_update implementation for DBI backends. |
fillDeductedColumns |
Fill data columns based on foreignTbls |
fixInteger64 |
Replace instances of integer64 with actual NA values instead of weird default 9218868437227407266 |
foreignTbl |
Create a foreign tibble |
getColumnTypeSums |
Get types of columns in a tbl |
getNonNaturalKeyCols |
Get all columns that are not natural keys |
get_db_table_name |
Get name of the tbl in the database |
initData |
Add some extra columns to data to allow for / keep track of modifications |
inputServer |
An input server for a 'data.frame' |
inputServer.default |
An input server for a 'data.frame' |
inputUI |
An input UI for a 'data.frame' |
inputUI.default |
UI part for modal with input fields for editing |
joinForeignTbl |
Merge a tbl with it a foreignTbl |
rollbackTransaction |
Start a transaction for a tibble |
rowInsert |
Add a row to a table in the database. |
rows_delete.dtplyr_step |
rows_delete implementation for data.table backends. |
rowUpdate |
Update rows in the database. |
runDemoApp |
Run a demo app |
runDemoApp_custom |
Run a custom demo app |
runDemoApp_DB |
Run a demo app |
runDemoApp_mtcars |
Run a demo app |
runDevApp |
Run a development app |
selectInputDT_Server |
Server part to use a 'datatable' as select input |
selectInputDT_UI |
UI part of a DT select input |
shinyInput |
Get a shiny input for a column of a 'tbl' |
standardizeArgument_colnames |
Standardize colnames argument to the format of named character vector |
standardizeArgument_editable |
Standardized editable argument to be in the form of a list |
whereSQL |
Generate where sql |