filter_trace {edeaR}R Documentation

Filter Trace


Filters the log based on trace identifier.

This method can be used to filter on trace identifier, which can be obtained from case_list. It has a trace_ids argument, to which a vector of identifiers can be given. The selection can be negated with the reverse argument.


filter_trace(log, trace_ids, reverse = FALSE, eventlog = deprecated())

## S3 method for class 'log'
filter_trace(log, trace_ids, reverse = FALSE, eventlog = deprecated())

## S3 method for class 'grouped_log'
filter_trace(log, trace_ids, reverse = FALSE, eventlog = deprecated())



log: Object of class log or derivatives (grouped_log, eventlog, activitylog, etc.).


character vector: A vector of trace identifiers


logical (default FALSE): Indicating whether the selection should be reversed.


[Deprecated]; please use log instead.


When given an object of type log, it will return a filtered log. When given an object of type grouped_log, the filter will be applied in a stratified way (i.e. each separately for each group). The returned log will be grouped on the same variables as the original log.

Methods (by class)


Swennen, M. (2018). Using Event Log Knowledge to Support Operational Exellence Techniques (Doctoral dissertation). Hasselt University.

See Also


Other filters: filter_activity_frequency(), filter_activity_instance(), filter_activity_presence(), filter_activity(), filter_case_condition(), filter_case(), filter_endpoints_condition(), filter_endpoints(), filter_flow_time(), filter_idle_time(), filter_infrequent_flows(), filter_lifecycle_presence(), filter_lifecycle(), filter_precedence_condition(), filter_precedence_resource(), filter_precedence(), filter_processing_time(), filter_resource_frequency(), filter_resource(), filter_throughput_time(), filter_time_period(), filter_trace_frequency(), filter_trace_length(), filter_trim_lifecycle(), filter_trim()

[Package edeaR version 0.9.4 Index]