edbuildmapr {edbuildmapr} | R Documentation |
edbuildmapr: A package to download school district geospatial data, perform spatial analysis, and create formatted exportable maps.
Import US Census Bureau, Education Demographic and Geographic Estimates Program, Composite School District Boundaries Files for 2013-2019 with the option to attach EdBuild's master dataset of school district finance, student demographics, and community economic indicators for every school district in the United States. The master dataset is built from the US Census, Annual Survey of School System Finances (F33) and joins data from the National Center for Education Statistics, Common Core of Data; the US Census, Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates; and the US Census, Education Demographic and Geographic Estimates. Additional functions in the package create a dataset of all pairs of school district neighbors as either a dataframe or a shapefile and create formatted maps of selected districts at the state or neighbor level, symbolized by a selected variable in EdBuild's master dataset. For full details about 'EdBuild' data processing please see: EdBuild (2020) Methodology.
edbuildmapr functions
The edbuildmapr functions are:
Create a dataframe or linestring object of the borders between neighboring districts.
Create a map of all school districts in any state symbolized by a selected variable from the EdBuild master dataset.
Create a map of any school district with its neighbors symbolized by a selected variable from the EdBuild master dataset.
Import a simplified version the US Census Bureau, Education Demographic and Geographic Estimates Program (EDGE), Composite School District Boundaries File for any school year from 2013 to 2018 with the option to attach EdBuild's master dataset of school district finance, student demographics, and community economic indicators for every school district in the US.
Import a simplified version of state shapefiles matching the US Census Bureau, Education Demographic and Geographic Estimates Program (EDGE), Composite School District Boundaries File for 2019.
Megan Brodzik (megan@edbuild.org), maintainer
Cecilia Depman (cecilia@edbuild.org), author
Sara Hodges (sara@edbuild.org), author