coef.ecpc {ecpc} | R Documentation |
Obtain coefficients from 'ecpc' object
Obtain regression coefficients or penalties from an existing model fit given in an 'ecpc' object, re-estimate regression coefficients for a given 'ecpc' object and ridge penalties, or obtain ridge penalties for given prior parameters and co-data.
## S3 method for class 'ecpc'
coef(object, penalties = NULL,
unpen = NULL, intrcpt = TRUE,
model = c("linear", "logistic", "cox"),
est_beta_method = c("glmnet", "multiridge"), ...)
penalties(object, tauglobal=NULL, sigmahat=NULL, gamma=NULL, gamma0=NULL, w=NULL,
Z=NULL, groupsets=NULL,
unpen=NULL, datablocks=NULL)
object |
An 'ecpc' object returned by |
penalties |
Ridge penalties; p-dimensional vector. If provided to |
tauglobal |
Estimated global prior variance; scalar (or vector with datatype-specific global prior variances when multiple ‘datablocks’ are given).) If provided to |
sigmahat |
(linear model) Estimated sigma^2. If provided to |
gamma |
Estimated co-data variable weights; vector of dimension the total number of groups. If provided to |
gamma0 |
Estimated co-data variable intercept; scalar. If provided to |
w |
Estimated group set weights; m-dimensional vector. If provided to |
X |
Observed data; (nxp)-dimensional matrix (p: number of covariates) with each row the observed high-dimensional feature vector of a sample. |
Y |
Response data; n-dimensional vector (n: number of samples) for linear and logistic outcomes, or |
Z |
List with m co-data matrices. Each element is a (pxG)-dimensional co-data matrix containing co-data on the p variables. Co-data should either be provided in ‘Z’ or ‘groupsets’. |
groupsets |
Co-data group sets; list with m (m: number of group sets) group sets. Each group set is a list of all groups in that set. Each group is a vector containing the indices of the covariates in that group. |
unpen |
Unpenalised covariates; vector with indices of covariates that should not be penalised. |
intrcpt |
Should an intercept be included? Included by default for linear and logistic, excluded for Cox for which the baseline hazard is estimated. |
model |
Type of model for the response; linear, logistic or cox. |
est_beta_method |
Package used for estimating regression coefficients, either "glmnet" or "multiridge". |
datablocks |
(optional) for multiple data types, the corresponding blocks of data may be given in datablocks; a list of B vectors of the indices of covariates in ‘X’ that belong to each of the B data blocks. Unpenalised covariates should not be given as seperate block, but can be omitted or included in blocks with penalised covariates. Each datatype obtains a datatype-specific ‘tauglobal’ as in multiridge. |
... |
Other parameters |
For coef.ecpc
, a list with:
intercept |
If included, the estimated intercept; scalar. |
beta |
Estimated regression coefficients; p-dimensional vector. |
For penalties
: a p-dimensional vector with ridge penalties.
See Also
for obtaining penalties for given prior parameters and co-data.
# Simulate toy data #
p<-300 #number of covariates
n<-100 #sample size training data set
n2<-100 #sample size test data set
#simulate all betas i.i.d. from beta_k~N(mean=0,sd=sqrt(0.1)):
muBeta<-0 #prior mean
varBeta<-0.1 #prior variance
indT1<-rep(1,p) #vector with group numbers all 1 (all simulated from same normal distribution)
#simulate test and training data sets:
str(Dat) #Dat contains centered observed data, response data and regression coefficients
# Provide co-data #
continuousCodata <- abs(Dat$beta)
Z1 <- cbind(continuousCodata,sqrt(continuousCodata))
#setting 2: splines for informative continuous
Z2 <- createZforSplines(values=continuousCodata)
S1.Z2 <- createS(orderPen=2, G=dim(Z2)[2]) #create difference penalty matrix
Con2 <- createCon(G=dim(Z2)[2], shape="positive+monotone.i") #create constraints
#setting 3: 5 random groups
G <- 5
categoricalRandom <- as.factor(sample(1:G,p,TRUE))
#make group set, i.e. list with G groups:
groupsetRandom <- createGroupset(categoricalRandom)
Z3 <- createZforGroupset(groupsetRandom,p=p)
S1.Z3 <- createS(G=G, categorical = TRUE) #create difference penalty matrix
Con3 <- createCon(G=dim(Z3)[2], shape="positive") #create constraints
#fit ecpc for the three co-data matrices with following penalty matrices and constraints
#note: can also be fitted without paraPen and/or paraCon
Z.all <- list(Z1=Z1,Z2=Z2,Z3=Z3)
paraPen.all <- list(Z2=list(S1=S1.Z2), Z3=list(S1=S1.Z3))
paraCon <- list(Z2=Con2, Z3=Con3)
# Fit ecpc #
fit <- ecpc(Y=Dat$Y,X=Dat$Xctd,
Z = Z.all, paraPen = paraPen.all, paraCon = paraCon,
toc <- proc.time()[[3]]-tic
#estimate coefficients for twice as large penalties
new_coefficients <- coef(fit, penalties=fit$penalties*2, X=Dat$Xctd, Y=Dat$Y)
#change some prior parameters and find penalties
gamma2 <- fit$gamma; gamma2[1:3] <- 1:3
new_penalties <- penalties(fit, gamma=gamma2, Z=Z.all)
new_coefficients2 <- coef(fit, penalties=new_penalties, X=Dat$Xctd, Y=Dat$Y)