e.agglo {ecp} | R Documentation |
An agglomerative hierarchical estimation algorithm for multiple change point analysis.
e.agglo(X, member=1:nrow(X), alpha=1, penalty=function(cps){0})
X |
A T x d matrix containing the length T time series with d-dimensional observations. |
member |
Initial membership vector for the time series. |
alpha |
Moment index used for determining the distance between and within clusters. |
penalty |
Function used to penalize the obtained goodness-of-fit statistics. This function takes as its input a vector of change point locations (cps). |
Homogeneous clusters are created based on the initial clustering provided by the member argument. In each iteration, clusters are merged so as to maximize a goodness-of-fit statistic. The computational complexity of this method is O(T^2), where T is the number of observations.
Returns a list with the following components.
merged |
A (T-1) x 2 matrix indicating which segments were merged at each step of the agglomerative procedure. |
fit |
Vector showing the progression of the penalized goodness-of-fit statistic. |
progression |
A T x (T+1) matrix showing the progression of the set of change points. |
cluster |
The estimated cluster membership vector. |
estimates |
The location of the estimated change points. |
Nicholas A. James
Matteson D.S., James N.A. (2013). A Nonparametric Approach for Multiple Change Point Analysis of Multivariate Data.
Nicholas A. James, David S. Matteson (2014). "ecp: An R Package for Nonparametric Multiple Change Point Analysis of Multivariate Data.", "Journal of Statistical Software, 62(7), 1-25", URL "http://www.jstatsoft.org/v62/i07/"
See Also
Rizzo M.L., Szekely G.L. (2005). Hierarchical clustering via joint between-within distances: Extending ward's minimum variance method. Journal of Classification. pp. 151 - 183.
Rizzo M.L., Szekely G.L. (2010). Disco analysis: A nonparametric extension of analysis of variance. The Annals of Applied Statistics. pp. 1034 - 1055.
mem = rep(c(1,2,3,4),times=c(10,10,10,10))
x = as.matrix(c(rnorm(10,0,1),rnorm(20,2,1),rnorm(10,-1,1)))
y = e.agglo(X=x,member=mem,alpha=1,penalty=function(cp,Xts) 0)
## Not run:
# Multivariate spatio-temporal example
# You will need the following packages:
# mvtnorm, combinat, and MASS
library(mvtnorm); library(combinat); library(MASS)
lambda = 1500 #overall arrival rate per unit time
muA = c(-7,-7) ; muB = c(0,0) ; muC = c(5.5,0)
covA = 25*diag(2)
covB = matrix(c(9,0,0,1),2)
covC = matrix(c(9,.9,.9,9),2)
time.interval = matrix(c(0,1,3,4.5,1,3,4.5,7),4,2)
#mixing coefficents
mixing.coef = rbind(c(1/3,1/3,1/3),c(.2,.5,.3), c(.35,.3,.35),
stppData = NULL
for(i in 1:4){
count = rpois(1, lambda* diff(time.interval[i,]))
Z = rmultz2(n = count, p = mixing.coef[i,])
S = rbind(rmvnorm(Z[1],muA,covA), rmvnorm(Z[2],muB,covB),
X = cbind(rep(i,count), runif(n = count, time.interval[i,1],
time.interval[i,2]), S)
stppData = rbind(stppData, X[order(X[,2]),])
member = as.numeric(cut(stppData[,2], breaks = seq(0,7,by=1/12)))
output = e.agglo(X=stppData[,3:4],member=member,alpha=1,
penalty=function(cp,Xts) 0)
## End(Not run)