AdjustAbbott |
Calculate corrected efficacy % with Abbott's formula |
AdjustHendersonTilton |
Calculate corrected efficacy % with Henderson-Tilton's formula |
AdjustSchneiderOrelli |
Calculate corrected efficacy % with Schneider-Orelli's formula |
AdjustSunShepard |
Calculate corrected efficacy % with Sun-Shepard's formula |
AphisRumicisDerrisMalaccensis |
data on the toxicity to Aphis rumicis of an ether extract of Derris malaccensis |
ArcsinToPercentage |
Convert Arcsin values to percentages |
CalculateLC50 |
Calculate LC50 from a matrix with 3 columns: concentration, number of exposed subjects and number of deaths |
CalculateLCn |
Calculate LC for N between 0 (LC0) and 100 (LC100) |
Dunnett.t.Statistic |
Critical Values of Dunnett's t Statistic |
erfinv |
Inverse error function |
GenTableIFinney1964 |
Generate table I from Finney1964 "Transformation of percentages to probits" |
GenTableIIFinney1964 |
Generate table II from Finney1964 "The weighting coefficient and Q/Z" |
GenTableIIIFinney1964 |
Generate table III from Finney1964 "Maximum and minimum working probits and range" |
GenTableIVFinney1964 |
Generate table IV from Finney1964 "Working probits" |
GenTableIXFinney1964 |
Generate table IX from Finney1964 "Minimum Working Probit, Range, and Weighting Coefficient for Inverse Sampling" |
GenTableVFinney1964 |
Generate table V from Finney1964 "The Probability, P, the Ordinate, Z, and Z^2" |
GenTableVIFinney1964 |
Generate table VI from Finney1964 "Distribution of chi^2" |
GenTableVIIFinney1964 |
Generate table VII from Finney1964 "Distribution of t" |
GenTableVIIIFinney1964 |
Generate table VIII from Finney1964 "The Weighting Coefficient in Wadley's Problem" |
IsMonotonicallyDecreasing |
Determine if a series is monotonically decreasing |
IsMonotonicallyIncreasing |
Determine if a series is monotonically increasing |
MakeMonotonicallyDecreasing |
Make monotonically decreasing sequence |
MakeMonotonicallyIncreasing |
Smoothed Mortality Proportion (monotonically increasing sequence) |
PercentageToArcsin |
Convert percentages to Arcsin values |
PercentageToProbit |
Convert percentages to Probit values |
ProbitApproxStandardErrorOfDosage |
Approximate Standard Error of dosage |
ProbitChi |
Estimate the column for Chi calculation |
ProbitEPA |
Probit estimation similar to the EPA's Ecological Exposure Research Division (EERD) tool |
ProbitFiducialLimits |
Probit Fiducial Limits |
ProbitFinney |
Probit estimation regression with Finney's method |
ProbitRegression |
Probit regression line |
ProbitStandardErrorOfDosage |
Standard Error of dosage |
ProbitStandardErrorRate |
Standard Error of rate of increase of probit value per unit increase in x |
ProbitToPercentage |
Convert Probit values to percentages |
ProbitVALUEg |
Probit value "g" |
ProbitVarianceDosage |
Variance of dosage |
ProbitVarianceRate |
Variance of rate of increase of probit value per unit increase in x |
Probitw |
Calculate weighting coefficient from expected probit |
ProbitWeightingCoef |
Calculate the weighting coefficient |
ProbitWorkingP |
Calculate working probit |
ProbitZ |
Calculate the ordinate to the normal distribution corresponding to the probability P |
ProbitZ4dec |
Calculate the ordinate to the normal distribution corresponding to the probability P, exactly like Finney's |
ScaleArcher |
Archer Scale for assessment of leaf damage |
ScaleGauhlStover |
Gauhl’s modification of Stover’s severity scoring system |
ScaleHorsfallBarratt |
Horsfall-Barratt Scale for Measuring Plant Disease |
SheepsheadMinnow40SK |
Mortality data from a fathead minnow larval survival and growth test (40 organisms per concentration) |
SpearmanKarber |
Spearman Karber estimation |
Table1Finney1964 |
Transformation of Percentages to Probits, table I of Finney, 1964 |
Table2Finney1964 |
The Weighting Coefficient and Q/Z, table II of Finney, 1964 |
Table3Finney1964 |
Maximum and Minimum working probits and Range, table III of Finney, 1964 |
Table4Finney1964 |
Working probits, table IV of Finney, 1964 |
Table5Finney1964 |
The Probability, P, the Ordinate, Z, and Z^2, table V of Finney, 1964 |
Table8Finney1964 |
The Weighting Coefficient in Wadley's Problem, table VIII of Finney, 1964 |
Table9Finney1964 |
Minimum Working Probit, Range, and Weighting Coefficient for Inverse Sampling, table IX of Finney, 1964 |
TestMix2poisons |
Generate table 26 from Finney1964 "The Function for Planning Tests of Mixtures of Two Poisons" |
Trimmed Spearman-Karber method, as per Hamilton and EPA |
WAAPPpestCount |
WAAPP Pest Count scoring system |