horse_race {econet}R Documentation

Compare the explanatory power of parameter.dependent network centrality measures with those of standard measures of network centrality.


Compare the explanatory power of parameter.dependent network centrality measures with those of standard measures of network centrality.


  formula = formula(),
  centralities = c("indegree", "outdegree", "degree", "betweenness", "incloseness",
    "outcloseness", "closeness", "eigenvector"),
  directed = FALSE,
  weighted = FALSE,
  normalization = FALSE,
  data = list(),
  unobservables = list(),
  G = list(),
  model = c("model_A", "model_B"),
  estimation = c("NLLS", "MLE"),
  endogeneity = FALSE,
  first_step = NULL,
  exclusion_restriction = NULL,
  start.val = NULL,
  to_weight = NULL,
  time_fixed_effect = NULL,
  ind_fixed_effect = NULL,
  mle_controls = NULL,
  kappa = NULL,
  delta = NULL



an object of class formula: a symbolic description of the model to be fitted. The constant (i.e. intercept) and the autogressive parameter needs not to be specified.


at least one of c("indegree","outdegree","degree", "betweenness", "incloseness", "outcloseness", "closeness", "eigenvector").


logical. TRUE if the social network is directed, FALSE otherwise.


logical. TRUE if the social network is weighted, FALSE otherwise.


Default is NULL. Alternatively, it can be set to c("bygraph","bycomponent","bymaxcomponent","bymaxgraph"). See details.


an object of class data.frame containing the variables in the model. If data are longitudinal, observations must be ordered by time period and then by individual.


a numeric vector used to obtain an unbiased estimate of the parameter.dependent centrality when the network is endogenous. See details.


an object of class Matrix representing the social network. Row and column names must be specified and match the order of the observations in data.


string. One of c("model_A","model_B"). See details.


string. One of c("NLLS","MLE"). They are used to implement respectively a non-linear least square and a maximum likelihood estimator.


logical. Default is FALSE. If TRUE, net_dep implements a two-step correction procedure to control for the endogeneity of the network.


Default is NULL. If endogeneity = TRUE, it requires to specify one of c("standard","fe", "shortest", "coauthors", "degree"). See details.


an object of class Matrix representing the exogenous matrix used to instrument the endogenous social network, if unobservables is non-NULL. Row and column names must be specified and match the order of the observations in data.


an optional list containing the starting values for the estimations. Object names must match the names provided in formula. It is also required to specify the value of both the constant and the decay parameter(s).


an optional vector of weights to be used in the fitting process to indicate that different observations have different variances. Should be NULL or a numeric vector. If non-NULL, weighted non-linear least squares (if estimation = "NLLS") or weighted maximum likelihood (if estimation = "MLE") is estimated.


an optional string. It indicates the name of the time index used in formula. It is used for models with longitudinal data.


an optional string. Default is NULL. It indicates the name of the individual index contained in the data. If provided, individual fixed effects are automatically added to the formula of the main equation. If endogeneity = TRUE, the field first_step is overridden, and automatically set equal to "fe". It is used for models with longitudinal data.


a list allowing the user to set upper and lower bounds for control variables in MLE estimation and the variance for the ML estimator. See details.


a normalization level with default equals 1 used in MLE estimation.


Default is NULL. To be used when estimation = "NLLS". It has to be a number between zero (included) and one (excluded). When used, econet performs a constrained NLLS estimation. In this case, the estimated peer effect parameter, taken in absolute value, is forced to be higher than zero and lower than the spectral radius of G. Specifically, delta is a penalizing factor, decreasing the goodness of fit of the NLLS estimation, when the peer effect parameter approaches one of the two bounds. Observe that very high values of delta may cause NLLS estimation not to converge.


A number of different normalization are available to the user:

If the network is endogenous, the user is required to run separately net_dep and extract from the resulting object the vector of unobservables necessary for obtaining an unbiased estimate of the parameter.dependent centrality. This vector can be passed through the argument unobservables.
If endogeneity = TRUE, a two-step estimation is implemented to control for network endogeneity. The argument first_step is used to control for the specification of the first-step model, e.g.:

For additional details, see the vignette (doi:10.18637/jss.v102.i08).


A list of two objects:


Battaglini M., V. Leone Sciabolazza, E. Patacchini, S. Peng (2020), "Econet: An R package for the Estimation of parameter-dependent centrality measures", Mimeo.

See Also



# Load data
db_model_B <- db_cosponsor
G_model_B <- G_cosponsor_111
G_exclusion_restriction <- G_alumni_111
are_factors <- c("party", "gender", "nchair")
db_model_B[are_factors] <- lapply(db_model_B[are_factors], factor)

# Specify formula
f_model_B <- formula("les ~gender + party + nchair")

# Specify starting values
starting <- c(alpha = 0.214094,
             beta_gender1 = -0.212706,
             beta_party1 = 0.478518,
             beta_nchair1 = 3.09234,
             beta_betweenness = 7.06287e-05,
             phi = 0.344787)

# Fit model
horse_model_B <- horse_race(formula = f_model_B,
              centralities = "betweenness",
              directed = TRUE, weighted = TRUE,
              data = db_model_B, G = G_model_B,
              model = "model_B", estimation = "NLLS",
              start.val = starting)

# Store and print results
summary(horse_model_B, centrality = "betweenness")

# WARNING, This toy example is provided only for runtime execution.
# Please refer to previous examples for sensible calculations.
db_model <- db_alumni_test
G_model <- G_model_A_test
f_model <- formula("les ~ dw")
horse_model_test <- horse_race(formula = f_model, centralities = "betweenness",
                            directed = TRUE, weighted = FALSE, normalization = NULL,
                            data = db_model, unobservables = NULL, G = G_model,
                            model = "model_A", estimation = "NLLS",
                            start.val = c(alpha = -0.31055275,
                                          beta_dw = 1.50666982,
                                          beta_betweenness = 0.09666742,
                                          phi = 16.13035695))

[Package econet version 1.0.0 Index]