annotation_dictionary | Annotations of published data |
ants_L0_flat | Joined and flat version of EDI data package knb-lter-hfr.118.33 |
ants_L1 | The ecocomDP (L1) version of EDI data package knb-lter-hfr.118.33 |
calc_geo_extent_bounding_box_m2 | Calculate geo_extent_bounding_box_m2 for the dataset_summary table |
calc_length_of_survey_years | Calculate length_of_survey_years for the dataset_summary table |
calc_number_of_years_sampled | Calculate number_of_years_sampled for the dataset_summary table |
calc_std_dev_interval_betw_years | Calculate std_dev_interval_betw_years for the dataset_summary table |
convert_to_dwca | Convert a dataset to the Darwin Core Archive format |
create_dataset_summary | Create the dataset_summary table |
create_eml | Create EML metadata |
create_location | Create the location table |
create_location_ancillary | Create the location_ancillary table |
create_observation | Create the observation table |
create_observation_ancillary | Create the observation_ancillary table |
create_taxon | Create the taxon table |
create_taxon_ancillary | Create the taxon_ancillary table |
create_variable_mapping | Create the variable_mapping table |
flatten_data | Flatten a dataset |
plot_sample_space_time | Plot dates and times samples were collected or observations were made |
plot_sites | Plot sites on US map |
plot_taxa_abund | Plot mean taxa abundances per 'observation_id' |
plot_taxa_accum_sites | Plot taxa accumulation by site accumulation |
plot_taxa_accum_time | Plot taxa accumulation through time |
plot_taxa_diversity | Plot diversity (taxa richness) through time |
plot_taxa_occur_freq | Plot taxon occurrence frequencies |
plot_taxa_rank | Plot taxa ranks |
plot_taxa_shared_sites | Plot number of unique taxa shared across sites |
read_data | Read published data |
save_data | Save a dataset |
search_data | Search published data |
validate_data | Validate tables against the model |
write_tables | Write tables to file |