plot.EBVstats {ecochange}R Documentation

Visualize EBVstats objects


Plots for objects from EBVstats are printed.


## S3 method for class 'EBVstats'
plot(x, y, ...)



tibble. Data set of statistics such as that produced by EBVstats.


character. Color scale. If missing then grDevices::terrain.colors(n), where n is the number of layers, is implemented.


Graphical arguments:

  • cex: adjustment of sizes for most text values,

  • xlab, and ylab: titles for the x and y axes,

  • main: a text of the main title,

  • sub: a text for the sub title,

  • labels: a string or numeric sequence for the x-axis labels,

  • fill: a text for the legend title


Wilson Lara Henao <> [aut, cre], Victor Gutierrez-Velez [aut], Ivan Gonzalez [ctb], Maria C. Londono [ctb]


## RasterBrick of structural Essential Biodiversity Variables
## covering the extent of a location in the northern Amazon basin
## (Colombia) is imported:
path. <- system.file('amazon.grd',package = 'ecochange')
amazon <- brick(path.)

## Changes in layers of tree-canopy cover (TC) are computed by
## processing the 'amazon' brick:
def <- echanges(amazon, eco = 'TC',
                change = 'lossyear',
                eco_range = c(1,80),
                get_unaffected = TRUE,
                binary_output = FALSE,
                mc.cores = 2)

## Function 'EBVstats' is used to compute ecosystem statistics
st_amazon <- EBVstats(def)

## A plot of the 'st_amazon' object
               cex = 1.5,
               xlab = 'Year',
               ylab = 'Canopy cover (%)',
               main = 'Ecosystem changes',
               sub = 'Municipality: Cartagena del Chaira',
               fill = 'Layer')

[Package ecochange version Index]