gaugeIndicator {ecochange} | R Documentation |
Gauge Biodiversity Indicator
This function processes ecosystem-change maps from
to calculate biodiversity indicators,
including ecosystem extent, entropy, fractal dimension, among
others. To sample the indicators across fixed-size grids see
gaugeIndicator(ps, ...,
metric = "area_ha",
smp_lsm = list(),
mc.cores = round(detectCores() *
0.6, 0))
ps |
... |
If |
metric |
smp_lsm |
mc.cores |
Coordinate reference system of the
spatial units must have metric
. Performance in the computation of
ecosystem extents is optimized via the
implementation of the function
. Indicators other
than ecosystem extents are calculated
implementing calculate_lsm
Class Indicator
Wilson Lara Henao <> [aut, cre], Victor Gutierrez-Velez [aut], Ivan Gonzalez [ctb], Maria C. Londono [ctb]
Hesselbarth, M. H., Sciaini, M., With, K. A., Wiegand, K., & Nowosad, J. (2019). landscapemetrics: an open source R tool to calculate landscape metrics. Ecography, 42(10), 1648-1657.
O'Connor, B., Secades, C., Penner, J., Sonnenschein, R., Skidmore, A., Burgess, N. D., & Hutton, J. M. (2015). Earth observation as a tool for tracking progress towards the Aichi Biodiversity Targets. Remote sensing in ecology and conservation, 1(1), 19-28.
Pereira, H.M., Ferrier, S., Walters, M., Geller, G.N., Jongman, R.H.G., Scholes, R.J., Bruford, M.W., Brummitt, N., Butchart, S.H.M., Cardoso, A.C. and Coops, N.C., 2013. Essential biodiversity variables. Science, 339(6117), pp.277-278.
Skidmore, A. K., & Pettorelli, N. (2015). Agree on biodiversity metrics to track from space: Ecologists and space agencies must forge a global monitoring strategy. Nature, 523(7561), 403-406.
## RasterBrick of structural Essential Biodiversity Variables
## covering the extent of a location in the northern Amazon basin
## (Colombia) is imported:
path. <- system.file('amazon.grd',package = 'ecochange')
amazon <- brick(path.)
## Changes in layers of tree-canopy cover (TC) in the 'amazon'
## brick are computed:
def <- echanges(amazon, eco = 'TC',
change = 'lossyear',
eco_range = c(1,80),
get_unaffected = TRUE,
binary_output = FALSE,
mc.cores = 2)
## Function 'gaugeIndicator' is used to compute ecosystem areas
## (default):
am_areas <- gaugeIndicator(def,
mc.cores = 2)