ec.clmn {echarty}R Documentation

Data column format


Helper function to display/format data column(s) by index or name


ec.clmn(col = NULL, ..., scale = 1)



A single column index(number) or column name(quoted string),
or a sprintf string template for multiple indexes.
NULL(default) for charts with single values like tree, pie.
'json' to display tooltip with all available values to choose from.
'log' to write all values in the JS console (F12) for debugging.
Can contain JS function starting with 'function(' (or format '(x) => ').


Comma separated column indexes or names, only when col is sprintf. This allows formatting of multiple columns, as for a tooltip.


A positive number, multiplier for numeric columns. When scale is 0, all numeric values are rounded.


This function is useful for attributes like formatter, color, symbolSize, label.
Column indexes are counted in R and start with 1.
Omit col or use index -1 for single values in tree/pie charts, axisLabel.formatter or valueFormatter. See dendrogram example.
Column indexes are decimals for combo charts with multiple series, see example. The whole number part is the serie index, the decimal part is the column index inside.
col as sprintf has the same placeholder %@ for both column indexes or column names.
col as sprintf can contain double quotes, but not single or backquotes.
Template placeholders with formatting:


A JavaScript code string (usually a function) marked as executable, see JS.


tmp <- data.frame(Species = as.vector(unique(iris$Species)),
                  emoji = c('A','B','C'))
df <- iris |> dplyr::inner_join(tmp)      # add 6th column emoji
df |> dplyr::group_by(Species) |> ec.init(
  series.param= list(label= list(show= TRUE, formatter= ec.clmn('emoji'))),
  tooltip= list(formatter=
    # with sprintf template + multiple column indexes
    ec.clmn('%M@ species <b>%@</b><br>s.len <b>%@</b><br>s.wid <b>%@</b>', 5,1,2))

[Package echarty version 1.6.4 Index]