Create Interactive Graphs with 'Echarts JavaScript' Version 5

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Documentation for package ‘echarts4r’ version 0.4.5

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-- A --

angle_axis Angle axis

-- B --

band Confidence bands
band2 Area bands

-- C --

callbacks Callbacks
connections Connect charts

-- E --

echarts4r-shiny Shiny bindings for echarts4r
echarts4rBox Box
echarts4rBoxOutput Box Output
echarts4rOutput Shiny bindings for echarts4r
echarts4rProxy Shiny bindings for echarts4r
echarts4r_proxy Shiny bindings for echarts4r
echarts_from_json To & From JSON
e_add Add nested data
e_add_nested Add nested data
e_add_unnested Add nested data
e_angle_axis Angle axis
e_angle_axis_ Angle axis
e_animation Animation
e_append1_p Append Proxy
e_append1_p_ Append Proxy
e_append2_p Append Proxy
e_append2_p_ Append Proxy
e_arc_g Graphic
e_area Area
e_area_ Area
e_aria Aria
e_arrange Connect charts
e_axis Axis
e_axis_ Axis
e_axis_3d Axis 3D
e_axis_formatter Axis
e_axis_labels Axis Labels
e_axis_pointer Axis pointer
e_axis_stagger Stagger Axis Labels
e_band Confidence bands
e_band2 Area bands
e_band2_ Area bands
e_band_ Confidence bands
e_bar Bar and Line chart
e_bar_ Bar and Line chart
e_bar_3d Bar 3D
e_bar_3d_ Bar 3D
e_bezier_curve_g Graphic
e_boxplot Boxplot
e_boxplot_ Boxplot
e_brush Brush
e_button Button
e_calendar Calendar
e_candle Candlestick
e_candle_ Candlestick
e_capture Capture event
e_chart Initialise
e_charts Initialise
e_charts.default Initialise
e_charts.Node Initialise
e_charts_ Initialise
e_circle_g Graphic
e_cloud Wordcloud
e_cloud_ Wordcloud
e_color Color
e_color.echarts4r Color
e_color.echarts4rProxy Color
e_color_range Color range
e_color_range_ Color range
e_common General options
e_connect Connect charts
e_connect_group Connect charts
e_correlations Correlation
e_country_names Country names
e_country_names_ Country names
e_data Initialise
e_datazoom Data zoom
e_density Histogram & Density
e_density_ Histogram & Density
e_dims Dimensions
e_disconnect_group Connect charts
e_dispatch_action_p Dispatch Action
e_downplay Highlight & Downplay
e_downplay_p Highlight & Downplay Proxy
e_draft Draft
e_draw_p Draw
e_effect_scatter Scatter
e_effect_scatter_ Scatter
e_error_bar Error bar
e_error_bar_ Error bar
e_execute Send
e_execute_p Send
e_facet Facet
e_flip_coords Flip coordinates
e_flow_gl Flow GL
e_flow_gl_ Flow GL
e_focus_adjacency Nodes Adjacency
e_focus_adjacency_p Node Adjacency
e_format_axis Formatters
e_format_x_axis Formatters
e_format_y_axis Formatters
e_funnel Funnel
e_funnel_ Funnel
e_gauge Gauge
e_gauge_ Gauge
e_geo Geo
e_geo_3d Geo 3D
e_geo_3d_ Geo 3D
e_get_data Get data
e_get_zr Blank Area
e_glm Smooth
e_globe Globe
e_graph Graph
e_graphic_g Graphic
e_graph_edges Graph
e_graph_gl Graph
e_graph_nodes Graph
e_grid Grid
e_grid_3d Grid
e_group Connect charts
e_group_g Graphic
e_heatmap Heatmap
e_heatmap_ Heatmap
e_hidetip Show & Hide Tooltip
e_hidetip_p Tooltip Proxy
e_hide_grid_lines ' Hide Grid Lines
e_hide_loading Loading
e_highlight Highlight & Downplay
e_highlight_p Highlight & Downplay Proxy
e_histogram Histogram & Density
e_histogram_ Histogram & Density
e_image_g Graphic
e_inspect To & From JSON
e_labels Format labels
e_leaflet Leaflet
e_leaflet_tile Leaflet
e_legend Legend
e_legend_scroll Legend
e_legend_select Legend
e_legend_toggle_select Legend
e_legend_unselect Legend
e_line Line
e_lines Lines
e_lines_ Lines
e_lines_3d Lines 3D
e_lines_3d_ Lines 3D
e_lines_gl Lines WebGL
e_line_ Line
e_line_3d Lines 3D
e_line_3d_ Lines 3D
e_line_g Graphic
e_liquid Liquid fill
e_liquid_ Liquid fill
e_list List
e_lm Smooth
e_locale Locale
e_locale_manual Locale
e_loess Smooth
e_map Choropleth
e_mapbox Mapbox
e_map_ Choropleth
e_map_3d Choropleth
e_map_3d_ Choropleth
e_map_3d_custom Choropleth
e_map_register Register map
e_map_register_p Register map
e_map_register_ui Register map
e_map_select Map Actions
e_map_toggle_select Map Actions
e_map_unselect Map Actions
e_mark_area Mark point
e_mark_line Mark point
e_mark_p Mark
e_mark_point Mark point
e_mark_p_ Mark
e_merge Merge options in chart, used in e_mark
e_modularity Modularity
e_morph Morphing
e_off Callbacks
e_on Callbacks
e_parallel Parallel
e_parallel_ Parallel
e_pictorial Pictorial
e_pictorial_ Pictorial
e_pie Pie
e_pie_ Pie
e_pie_select Select & Unselect Pie
e_pie_unselect Select & Unselect Pie
e_polar Polar
e_polygon_g Graphic
e_polyline_g Graphic
e_radar Radar
e_radar_ Radar
e_radar_opts Radar axis
e_radius_axis Radius axis
e_radius_axis_ Radius axis
e_rect_g Graphic
e_remove Remove Serie
e_remove_serie Remove Serie
e_remove_serie_p Remove Serie
e_resize Resize
e_restore Restore Toolbox
e_ring_g Graphic
e_river River
e_river_ River
e_rm_axis Axis
e_sankey Sankey
e_sankey_ Sankey
e_scale Scatter
e_scatter Scatter
e_scatter_ Scatter
e_scatter_3d Scatter 3D
e_scatter_3d_ Scatter 3D
e_scatter_gl Scatter GL
e_scatter_gl_ Scatter GL
e_sector_g Graphic
e_showtip Show & Hide Tooltip
e_showtip_p Tooltip Proxy
e_show_loading Loading
e_single_axis Single Axis
e_step Step
e_step_ Step
e_sunburst Sunburst
e_sunburst_ Sunburst
e_surface Surface
e_surface_ Surface
e_svg Choropleth
e_svg_ Choropleth
e_svg_register Register map
e_text_g Graphic
e_text_style Text style
e_theme Themes
e_theme_custom Themes
e_theme_register Themes
e_timeline_on_serie Timeline
e_timeline_opts Timeline
e_timeline_serie Timeline
e_title Title
e_toolbox Toolbox
e_toolbox_feature Toolbox
e_tooltip Tooltip
e_tooltip_choro_formatter Tooltip
e_tooltip_item_formatter Tooltip
e_tooltip_pie_formatter Tooltip
e_tooltip_pointer_formatter Tooltip
e_tree Tree
e_treemap Treemap
e_treemap_ Treemap
e_tree_ Tree
e_unfocus_adjacency Nodes Adjacency
e_unfocus_adjacency_p Node Adjacency
e_utc Use UTC
e_visual_map Visual Map
e_visual_map_ Visual Map
e_visual_map_range Select Visual Map
e_x_axis Axis
e_x_axis_ Axis
e_x_axis_3d Axis 3D
e_y_axis Axis
e_y_axis_ Axis
e_y_axis_3d Axis 3D
e_zoom Zoom
e_z_axis Axis
e_z_axis_ Axis
e_z_axis_3d Axis 3D

-- G --

graph_action Nodes Adjacency

-- H --

highlight_action Highlight & Downplay

-- I --

init Initialise

-- L --

legend_action Legend

-- M --

mapbox Mapbox
map_actions Map Actions

-- N --

nesting Add nested data

-- P --

pie_action Select & Unselect Pie

-- R --

radius_axis Radius axis
renderEcharts4r Shiny bindings for echarts4r
renderEcharts4rBox Render box

-- T --

timeline-opts Timeline
tooltip_action Show & Hide Tooltip