Downloading and Processing Microdata from ECH-INE (Uruguay)

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Documentation for package ‘ech’ version 0.1.3

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.unrarPath The known path for unrar or 7z
age_groups This function allows you to calculate age groups
archive_extract Extract compressed archives
basket_goods This function allows you to get the Basket goods
branch_ciiu This function allows you to identify activity branches
cba_cbna_int A dataset containing the CBA and CBNA for the Interior Urbano region
cba_cbna_mdeo A dataset containing the CBA and CBNA for the Montevideo region
cba_cbna_rur A dataset containing the CBA and CBNA for the Interior Rural region
dates_ech This function allows you to organize dates
deflate This function allows you to calculate a deflator coefficient
dic A dataset containing variables names change of the ECH 2006-2018
ech 'ech' package
employment This function allows you to calculate the variables: PEA, PET, PO, PD
employment_restrictions This function allows you to identify workers with employment restrictions
enrolled_school This function allows you to calculate the people enrolled in school
get_estimation_gini This function allows you to estimate the Gini coefficient
get_estimation_gpg This function allows you to estimate the Gender Pay Wage Gap (GPG)
get_estimation_mean This function allows you to estimate mean variable at universe level.
get_estimation_median This function allows you to estimate median variable at universe level.
get_estimation_qsr This function allows you to estimate de Income Quintile Share Ratio
get_estimation_ratio This function allows you to estimate ratio variables at universe level.
get_estimation_total This function allows you to estimate total variable at universe level.
get_microdata This function allows you to download and read ECH from INE website
household_type This function allows you to calculate the household type for each household in the survey. A household is composed of one or more people who occupy a housing unit.
housing_conditions This function allows you to calculate the housing conditions
housing_deprivation This function allows you to calculate the housing status
housing_situation This function allows you to calculate the housing situation
housing_tenure This function allows you to calculate the housing tenure
income_constant_prices This function allows you to calculate the household income constant prices
income_quantiles This function allows you to calculate the Household Income Quantiles
integrated_poverty_measure This function allows you to calculate an integrated poverty measure
ipab_base2010 A dataset containing the IPAB
ipab_base2010_int A dataset containing the IPAB for the Interior region
ipab_base2010_mdeo A dataset containing the IPAB for the Montevideo region
ipc_base2010 A dataset containing the IPC base 2010
ipc_base2010_int A dataset containing the IPC base 2010 only for the Interior region
ipc_base2010_mdeo A dataset containing the IPC base 2010 only for the Montevideo region
labor_income_per_capita This function allows you to calculate the labor income per capita
labor_income_per_hour This function allows you to calculate the labor income per hour
level_completion This function allows you to calculate the level of school completion
level_education This function allows you to calculate the highest level of education achieved
organize_educ This function allows you to fix education variables from 2021
organize_ht11 This function allows you to fix ht11 from 2013 to 2015
organize_names This function allows you to organize the variables names of ECH with reference in 2017.
overcrowding This function allows you to calculate overcrowding in the household
poverty This function allows you to calculate poor and indigent people or household
read_microdata This function allows you to read ECH from a local folder
set_design This function allows you to set the survey desing
toy_ech_2018 A dataset containing only 1000 raws of the ECH 2018
toy_ech_2018_income A dataset containing only 1000 raws of the ECH 2018 income variables
to_ascii to_ascii
underemployment This function allows you to identify underemployed people
unlabelled This function allows you to labelled variables
unrarPath The known path for unrar or 7z
unsatisfied_basic_needs This function allows you to calculate de Unsatisfied Basic Needs
urls_ine A dataset containing the urls of INE datasets and diccionaries
years_of_schooling This function allows you to calculate the years of schooling