Kmm {ecespa}R Documentation

Mark-weighted K-function


This is a functional data summary for marked point patterns that measures the joint pattern of points and marks at different scales determined by rr.


Kmm(mippp, r = 1:10, nsim=NULL)

## S3 method for ploting objects of class 'ecespa.kmm':
## S3 method for class 'ecespa.kmm'
plot(x, type="Kmm.n", q=0.025, 
            xlime=NULL, ylime=NULL,  maine=NULL, add=FALSE, kmean=TRUE,
            ylabe=NULL, xlabe=NULL, lty=c(1,2,3), col=c(1,2,3), lwd=c(1,1,1),



A marked point pattern. An object with the ppp format of spatstat.


Sequence of distances at which Kmm is estimated.


Number of simulated point patterns to be generated when computing the envelopes.


An object of class 'ecespa.kmm'. The result of applying Kmm to a marked point pattern.


Type of mark-weighted K-function to plot. One of "Kmm" ("plain" mark-weighted K-function) or "Kmm.n" (normalized mark-weighted K-function).


Quantile for selecting the simulation envelopes.


Max and min coordinates for the x-axis.


Max and min coordinates for the y-axis.


Title to add to the plot.


Logical. Should the kmm.object be added to a previous plot?


Logical. Should the mean of the simulated Kmm envelopes be ploted?


Text or expression to label the y-axis.


Text or expression to label the x-axis.


Vector with the line type for the estimated Kmm function, the simulated envelopes and the mean of the simulated envelopes.


Vector with the color for the estimated Kmm function, the simulated envelopes and the mean of the simulated envelopes.


Vector with the line width for the estimated Kmm function, the simulated envelopes and the mean of the simulated envelopes.


Additional graphical parameters passed to plot.


Penttinnen (2006) defines Kmm(r)Kmm(r), the mark-weighted KK-function of a stationary marked point process XX, so that

lambdaKmm(r)=Eo[sum(momn)]/mu2lambda*Kmm(r) = Eo[sum(mo*mn)]/mu^2

where lambdalambda is the intensity of the process, i.e. the expected number of points of XX per unit area, Eo[]Eo[ ] denotes expectation (given that there is a point at the origin); m0m0 and mnmn are the marks attached to every two points of the process separated by a distance <=r<= r and mumu is the mean mark. It measures the joint pattern of marks and points at the scales determmined by rr. If all the marks are set to 1, then lambdaKmm(r)lambda*Kmm(r) equals the expected number of additional random points within a distance rr of a typical random point of XX, i.e. KmmKmm becomes the conventional Ripley's KK-function for unmarked point processes. As the KK-function measures clustering or regularity among the points regardless of the marks, one can separate clustering of marks with the normalized weighted K-function

Kmm.normalized(r)=Kmm(r)/K(r)Kmm.normalized(r) = Kmm(r)/K(r)

If the process is independently marked, Kmm(r)Kmm(r) equals K(r)K(r) so the normalized mark-weighted KK-function will equal 1 for all distances rr.

If nsim != NULL, Kmm computes 'simulation envelopes' from the simulated point patterns. These are simulated from nsim random permutations of the marks over the points coordinates. This is a kind of pointwise test of Kmm(r)==1Kmm(r) == 1 or normalizedKmm(r)==1normalized Kmm(r) == 1 for a given rr.


Kmm returns an object of class 'ecespa.kmm', basically a list with the following items:


Name of the analyzed point pattern.


Sequence of distances at which Kmm is estimated.


Number of simulations for computing the envelopes, or NULL if none.


Mark-weighted KK-function.


Normalized mark-weighted KK-function.


Matrix of simulated mark-weighted KK-functions, or or NULL if none.


Matrix of simulated normalized mark-weighted KK-functions, or or NULL if none.


This implementation estimates Kmm(r)Kmm(r) without any correction of border effects, so it must be used with caution. However, as K(r)K(r) is also estimed without correction it migth compensate the border effects on the normalized KmmKmm-function.


Marcelino de la Cruz Rot


De la Cruz, M. 2008. Métodos para analizar datos puntuales. En: Introducción al Análisis Espacial de Datos en Ecología y Ciencias Ambientales: Métodos y Aplicaciones (eds. Maestre, F. T., Escudero, A. y Bonet, A.), pp 76-127. Asociación Española de Ecología Terrestre, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos y Caja de Ahorros del Mediterráneo, Madrid.

Penttinen, A. 2006. Statistics for Marked Point Patterns. In The Yearbook of the Finnish Statistical Society, pp. 70-91.

See Also



  ## Figure 3.10 of De la Cruz (2008):
  # change r to r=1:100
   r = seq(1,100, by=5)
  s1km <- Kmm(seedlings1, r=r)
  s2km <- Kmm(seedlings2, r=r)
  plot(s1km, ylime=c(0.6,1.2), lwd=2, maine="", xlabe="r(cm)")

  plot(s2km,  lwd=2, lty=2, add=TRUE )

  abline(h=1, lwd=2, lty=3)
  legend(x=60, y=1.2, legend=c("Hs_C1", "Hs_C2", "H0"),
	 lty=c(1, 2, 3), lwd=c(3, 2, 2), bty="n")
## Not run: 
## A pointwise test of normalized Kmm == 1 for seedlings1:

   s1km.test <- Kmm(seedlings1, r=1:100, nsim=99)

   plot(s1km.test,  xlabe="r(cm)")

## End(Not run)

[Package ecespa version 1.1-17 Index]