ebmstate-package |
Empirical Bayes multi-state Cox model |
boot_coxrfx |
Bootstrap confidence intervals for regression coefficients |
boot_ebmstate |
Bootstrap samples and bootstrap interval estimates |
boot_probtrans |
Bootstrap confidence intervals for transition probabilities |
CIs_for_target_state |
Ancillary function of 'boot_ebmstate'. |
convolute_clockforward |
Convolution function for clock-forward models |
convolute_clockreset |
Convolution function for clock-reset models |
CoxRFX |
Empirical Bayes, multi-state Cox model |
coxrfx_object_sample |
Example of an empirical Bayes model fit |
cumhazCIs_for_target_transition |
Ancillary function of 'boot_ebmstate'. |
cumhaz_splines |
Spline approximations of the cumulative hazard functions |
extract_function |
Ancillary function to 'boot_ebmstate'. |
joint_cum_hazard_function |
Compute the cumulative hazard of leaving a given state |
loo_ebmstate |
Leave-one-out estimation |
MakeInteger |
Convert factor to integer. |
msfit_generic |
Compute subject-specific transition hazards. |
msfit_generic.coxrfx |
Compute subject-specific transition hazards. |
msfit_generic.default |
Compute subject-specific transition hazards. |
msfit_object_sample |
Estimated cumulative hazard rates under an empirical Bayes Cox model (example) |
mstate_data |
An example of long-format multistate data |
mstate_data_sample |
A simulated event-history data set |
print.coxrfx |
Print method for CoxRFX objects |
print.msfit |
Print method for 'msfit' objects generated by 'msfit_generic' |
probtrans_by_convolution |
Compute all transition probabilities from a given state using convolution |
probtrans_by_convolution_clockforward |
Compute transition probabilities under a clock-forward model using a convolution algorithm. |
probtrans_by_convolution_clockreset |
Compute transition probabilities under a clock-reset model using a convolution algorithm. |
probtrans_ebmstate |
Compute subject-specific transition probabilities using convolution. |
probtrans_fft |
Compute subject-specific transition probabilities using a convolution algorithm based on the Fast Fourier transform. |
probtrans_mstate |
Compute subject-specific or overall transition probabilities |
probtrans_mstate.coxrfx |
Compute subject-specific or overall transition probabilities |
probtrans_mstate.default |
Compute subject-specific or overall transition probabilities |
successful_transitions |
Find the unique possible path until an absorbing state |
summary.coxrfx |
A summary method for CoxRFX models |
unique_paths |
Find all possible paths until absorption from a given starting state |