Access and Analyze eBird Status and Trends Data Products

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Documentation for package ‘ebirdst’ version 3.2022.3

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assign_to_grid Assign points to a spacetime grid
calculate_mcc_f1 Calculate MCC and F1 score
date_to_st_week Get the Status and Trends week that a date falls into
ebirdst_data_dir Path to eBird Status and Trends data download directory
ebirdst_download_status Download eBird Status Data Products
ebirdst_download_trends Download eBird Trends Data Products
ebirdst_palettes eBird Status and Trends color palettes for mapping
ebirdst_predictors eBird Status and Trends predictor variables
ebirdst_predictor_descriptions eBird Status and Trends predictors descriptions
ebirdst_runs Data frame of species with eBird Status and Trends Data Products
ebirdst_version eBird Status and Trends Data Products version
get_species Get eBird species code for a set of species
get_species_path Get the path to the data package for a given species
grid_sample Spatiotemporal grid sampling of observation data
grid_sample_stratified Spatiotemporal grid sampling of observation data
list_available_pis Load predictor importance (PI) rasters
load_config Load eBird Status Data Products configuration file
load_fac_map_parameters Load full annual cycle map parameters
load_pi Load predictor importance (PI) rasters
load_ppm Load predictive performance metric (PPM) rasters
load_ranges Load seasonal eBird Status and Trends range polygons
load_raster Load eBird Status Data Products raster data
load_regional_stats Load regional summary statistics
load_trends Load eBird Trends estimates for a set of species
rasterize_trends Convert eBird Trends Data Products to raster format
set_ebirdst_access_key Store the eBird Status and Trends access key