ebdbn {ebdbNet}R Documentation

Empirical Bayes Dynamic Bayesian Network (EBDBN) Estimation


A function to infer the posterior mean and variance of network parameters using an empirical Bayes estimation procedure for a Dynamic Bayesian Network (DBN).


ebdbn(y, K, input = "feedback", conv.1 = .15, conv.2 = .05, conv.3 = .01, verbose = TRUE,
max.iter = 100, max.subiter = 200)



A list of R (PxT) matrices of observed time course profiles (P genes, T time points)


Number of hidden states


"feedback" for feedback loop networks, or a list of R (MxT) matrices of input profiles


Value of convergence criterion 1


Value of convergence criterion 2


Value of convergence criterion 3


Verbose output


Maximum overall iterations (default value is 100)


Maximum iterations for hyperparameter updates (default value is 200)


An object of class ebdbNet.

This function infers the parameters of a network, based on the state space model

xt=Axt1+But+wtx_t = Ax_{t-1} + Bu_t + w_t

yt=Cxt+Dut+zty_t = Cx_t + Du_t + z_t

where xtx_t represents the expression of K hidden states at time tt, yty_t represents the expression of P observed states (e.g., genes) at time tt, utu_t represents the values of M inputs at time tt, wtMVN(0,I)w_t \sim MVN(0,I), and ztMVN(0,V1)z_t \sim MVN(0,V^{-1}), with V=diag(v1,,vP)V = diag(v_1, \ldots, v_P). Note that the dimensions of the matrices AA, BB, CC, and DD are (KxK), (KxM), (PxK), and (PxM), respectively. When a network is estimated with feedback rather than inputs (input = "feedback"), the state space model is

xt=Axt1+Byt1+wtx_t = Ax_{t-1} + By_{t-1} + w_t

yt=Cxt+Dyt1+zty_t = Cx_t + Dy_{t-1} + z_t

The parameters of greatest interest are typically contained in the matrix DD, which encodes the direct interactions among observed variables from one time to the next (in the case of feedback loops), or the direct interactions between inputs and observed variables at each time point (in the case of inputs).

The value of K is chosen prior to running the algorithm by using hankel. The hidden states are estimated using the classic Kalman filter. Posterior distributions of AA, BB, CC, and DD are estimated using an empirical Bayes procedure based on a hierarchical Bayesian structure defined over the parameter set. Namely, if a(j)a_{(j)}, b(j)b_{(j)}, c(j)c_{(j)}, d(j)d_{(j)}, denote vectors made up of the rows of matrices AA, BB, CC, and DD respectively, then

a(j)αN(0,diag(α)1)a_{(j)} \vert \alpha \sim N(0, diag(\alpha)^{-1})

b(j)βN(0,diag(β)1)b_{(j)} \vert \beta \sim N(0, diag(\beta)^{-1})

c(j)γN(0,diag(γ)1)c_{(j)} \vert \gamma \sim N(0, diag(\gamma)^{-1})

d(j)δN(0,diag(δ)1)d_{(j)} \vert \delta \sim N(0, diag(\delta)^{-1})

where α=(α1,...,αK)\alpha = (\alpha_1, ..., \alpha_K), β=(β1,...,βM)\beta = (\beta_1, ..., \beta_M), γ=(γ1,...,γK)\gamma = (\gamma_1, ..., \gamma_K), and δ=(δ1,...,δM)\delta = (\delta_1, ..., \delta_M). An EM-like algorithm is used to estimate the hyperparameters in an iterative procedure conditioned on current estimates of the hidden states.

conv.1, conv.2, and conv.3 correspond to convergence criteria Δ1\Delta_1, Δ2\Delta_2, and Δ3\Delta_3 in the reference below, respectively. After terminating the algorithm, the z-scores of the DD matrix is calculated, which in turn determines the presence or absence of edges in the network.

See the reference below for additional details about the implementation of the algorithm.



Posterior mean of matrix AA


Posterior mean of matrix BB


Posterior mean of matrix CC


Posterior mean of matrix DD


Posterior variance of matrix C


Posterior variance of matrix D


Posterior mean of hidden states x


Estimated value of α\alpha


Estimated value of β\beta


Estimated value of γ\gamma


Estimated value of δ\delta


Estimated value of precisions vv


Estimated value of μ\mu


Estimated value of Σ\Sigma


Total number of iterations run


Z-statistics calculated from the posterior distribution of matrix D


Either "input" or "feedback", as specified by the user


Andrea Rau


Andrea Rau, Florence Jaffrezic, Jean-Louis Foulley, and R. W. Doerge (2010). An Empirical Bayesian Method for Estimating Biological Networks from Temporal Microarray Data. Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology 9. Article 9.

See Also

hankel, calcSensSpec, plot.ebdbNet


tmp <- runif(1) ## Initialize random number generator
set.seed(125214) ## Save seed

## Simulate data
R <- 5
T <- 10
P <- 10
simData <- simulateVAR(R, T, P, v = rep(10, P), perc = 0.10)
Dtrue <- simData$Dtrue
y <- simData$y

## Simulate 8 inputs
u <- vector("list", R)
M <- 8
for(r in 1:R) {
	u[[r]] <- matrix(rnorm(M*T), nrow = M, ncol = T)

## Run EB-DBN without hidden states
## Choose alternative value of K using hankel if hidden states are to be estimated
## K <- hankel(y)$dim

## Run algorithm	
net <- ebdbn(y = y, K = 0, input = u, conv.1 = 0.15, conv.2 = 0.10, conv.3 = 0.10,
	verbose = TRUE)

## Visualize results
## Note: no edges here, which is unsurprising as inputs were randomly simulated
## (in input networks, edges only go from inputs to genes)
## plot(net, sig.level = 0.95)

[Package ebdbNet version 1.2.8 Index]