ecm {ebGenotyping} | R Documentation |
Genotyping and SNP Detection using Next Generation Sequencing Data
This function implements the method described in 'An Empirical Bayes Method for Genotyping and SNP detection Using Multi-sample Next-generation Sequencing Data'.
dat |
a n*m matrix: the ith row, jth column of the matrix represents the non-reference counts of ith sample at jth position. |
cvg |
a n*m matrix: the ith row, jth column of the matrix represents the depth of ith sample at jth position. |
eps |
a single value: a threshold to control the convergence criterion. The default is 1e-06. |
max.steps |
a single value: the maximum steps to run iterative algorithm to estimate parameters. The default is 500.(Adjustment is needed according to the number of parameters to estimate and the initial value of them.) |
eps.bisec |
a single value: a threshold to control the convergence criterion of bisection criterion. The default is 1e-06. |
ini.m |
the initial value of each element of mu. We suggest users to use default -7. |
ini.d |
the initial value of each element of delta. We suggest users to use default -7. |
This function implements the method described in 'An Empirical Bayes Method for Genotyping and SNP detection Using Multi-sample Next-generation Sequencing Data'. According to the paper, users can do genotyping with the estimated genotypes("geno.est"), and do SNP detection with the posterior probabilities of RR("post.probs$zRR"), based on the non-reference counts("dat")and depth("cvg").
par.est |
a list including the estimate of position effect(mu), sample effect(delta), and the probability of RR and RV. |
post.probs |
3 matrix: the estimate of the posterior probabilities of 3 genotypes for n samples at m positions. |
steps |
the total steps to run iterative algorithm. |
geno.est |
a n*m matrix: the estimated genotypes(0 for RR, 1 for RV and 2 for VV) of n samples at m positions. |
Na You <> and Gongyi Huang<>
Na You and Gongyi Huang.(2016) An Empirical Bayes Method for Genotyping and SNP detection Using Multi-sample Next-generation Sequencing Data.
#---------generate simulation data-----------
#start:generate simulation data#
m <- 100
m0 <- m*0.95
m1 <- m-m0
n <- 30
Q <- 0.8
z <- cbind(matrix(0,n,m0),matrix(rbinom(n*m1,1,Q),n,m1))
b <- which(z==1)
R <- 0.8 # proportion of homozygous SNP
w <- rbinom(length(which(z==1)),1,R)
# z are genotypes
z[b[which(w==0)]] <- 1
z[b[which(w==1)]] <- 2
mu <- rep(-3,m)# stands for no effect
delta <- rep(-3,n)# stands for no effect
er.p <- -abs(outer(delta,mu,"+"))
p <- rlogit(er.p)
p[which(z==1)] <- 1/2
p[which(z==2)] <- 1-p[which(z==2)]
cvg <- matrix(rbinom(m*n,50,0.5),n,m)
dat <- matrix(sapply(1:(m*n),function(i) rbinom(1,cvg[i],p[i])),n,m)
#end:generate simulation data-#
#-----genotyping and SNP detection----------------
res <- ecm(dat=dat,cvg=cvg)
mean(z!=res$geno.est)#genotyping error
#----------call SNP---------
#start:call snp#
# define a function to calculate power, typeI error and FDR.
cutsnp <- function(fdr,alpha,true){
wh <- (true!=0)
tp <- sum((wh)&(fdr<alpha));
tn <- sum((!wh)&(fdr>=alpha));
fp <- sum((!wh)&(fdr<alpha));
fn <- sum((wh)&(fdr>=alpha));
pw <- tp/(tp+fn);
t1 <- fp/(fp+tn);
fdr <- fp/(fp+tp);
#end:call snp#