Simplify Survival Data Analysis and Model Fitting

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Documentation for package ‘easysurv’ version 2.0.1

Help Pages

easy_adtte Formatted Copy of ggsurvfit::adtte
easy_bc Formatted Copy of flexsurv::bc
easy_lung Formatted Copy of survival::lung
fit_models Fit Survival Models
get_km Generate Kaplan-Meier estimates
get_schoenfeld Extract Schoenfeld Residuals
inspect_surv_data Inspect Survival Data
plot.fit_models Plot method for 'fit_models'
plot_cloglog Cumulative Log Log Plot
plot_km Plot Kaplan-Meier Data
plot_schoenfeld Plot Schoenfeld Residuals
predict.fit_models Predict method for 'fit_models'
predict_and_plot Predict and Plot Fitted Models
print.fit_models Print methods for 'fit_models()'
print.get_km Print methods for 'get_km()'
print.inspect_surv_data Print methods for 'inspect_surv_data()'
print.predict_and_plot Print methods for 'predict_and_plot()'
print.test_ph Print methods for 'test_ph()'
quick_start Launch Example Survival Analysis Script using the easy_lung Data Set
quick_start2 Launch Example Survival Analysis Script using the easy_bc Data Set
quick_start3 Launch Example Survival Analysis Script using the easy_adtte Data Set
test_ph Test Proportional Hazards Assumption
theme_easysurv Plot Theme for easysurv Survival and Hazard Plots
theme_risktable_easysurv Plot Theme for easysurv Risk Tables
write_to_xl Export easysurv output to Excel via 'openxlsx'