Easy Interface to the Statistical Disclosure Control Package 'sdcTable' Extended with Own Implementation of 'GaussSuppression'

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Documentation for package ‘easySdcTable’ version 1.0.7

Help Pages

EasyData Function that returns a dataset
ProtectTable Easy interface to sdcTable: Table suppression according to a frequency rule.
ProtectTable1 Easy input interface to sdcTable
ProtectTableData Easy interface to sdcTable: Table suppression according to a frequency rule.
PTgui Table suppression - Shiny Gui
PTguiApp Table suppression - Shiny Gui
PTguiAppNO Table suppression - Shiny Gui
PTguiNO Table suppression - Shiny Gui
PTwrap Wrapper to ProtectTable() with additional methods (partly experimental)
PTxyz ProtectTable with output ready for SuppressDec in package RegSDC