Frequently Used Functions for Easy R Programming

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Documentation for package ‘easy.utils’ version 0.0.4

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checkAlignedDims Check whether some dimensions of two arrays are aligned
checkColorMap Check color map for a factor
checkColorMap.default Check color map for a factor
checkSameLength Check whether the lengths of input objects are equal
chunkPoints Generate chunk points
fastIntersect A fast version of base::intersect()
fetchColnames Fetch column names exists in the data object
getDiscreteColors Generate palettes of distinct colors
isValidCharacters Check valid characters
pal_discrete A palette list for distinct colors.
pasteFactors Paste two factor vectors
replaceEntries Replace entries according to a mapping list
replaceEntries-method Replace entries according to a mapping list
setColor Generate palettes of distinct colors
unlistMap Unlist a mapping list into a named vector
verboseMsg Simple verbose message wrapper