Parallel Implementation of 'ETERNA 3.40' for Prediction and Analysis of Earth Tides

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Documentation for package ‘earthtide’ version 0.1.5

Help Pages

earthtide-package earthtide: R port of the earth tide processing package ETERNA (by Hans-Georg Wenzel) including the Kudryavtsev wave catalog.
calc_earthtide earthtide
Earthtide Earthtide class
earthtide earthtide: R port of the earth tide processing package ETERNA (by Hans-Georg Wenzel) including the Kudryavtsev wave catalog.
Earthtide-class Earthtide class
eterna_wavegroups Hartmann and Wenzel (1995) (ETERNA 3.4) wavegroups
get_iers get_iers
get_main_frequency get_main_frequency