NASA 'EarthData' Login Utilities

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Documentation for package ‘earthdatalogin’ version 0.0.2

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edl_as_s3 Replace https URLs with S3 URIs
edl_download download assets from earthdata over https using bearer tokens
edl_netrc Set up Earthdata Login (EDL) credentials using a .netrc file
edl_revoke_token Revoke an EarthData token
edl_s3_token Receive and set temporary AWS Tokens for S3 access
edl_set_token Get or set an earthdata login token
edl_stac_urls Helper function for extracting URLs from STAC
edl_unset_netrc edl_unset_netrc
edl_unset_s3 Unset AWS S3 Environment Variables
edl_unset_token unset token
gdal_cloud_config Recommended GDAL configuration for cloud-based access
gdal_cloud_unconfig Restores GDAL default configuration
lpdacc_example_url URL for an example of an LP DAAC COG file
with_gdalcubes with_gdalcubes