EnBinSeg {eNchange} | R Documentation |
An S4 method to detect the change-points in an irregularly spaced time series using Ensemble Binary Segmentation.
An S4 method to detect the change-points in an irregularly spaced time series using the Ensemble Binary Segmentation methodology described in Korkas (2020).
thresh = "universal",
q = 0.99,
p = 1,
start.values = c(0.9, 0.6),
dampen.factor = "auto",
epsilon = 1e-05,
process = "acd",
thresh2 = 0.05,
num_ens = 500,
min_dist = 0.005,
pp = 1,
do.parallel = 2,
b = NULL,
acd_p = 0,
acd_q = 1
## S4 method for signature 'ANY'
thresh = "universal",
q = 0.99,
p = 1,
start.values = c(0.9, 0.6),
dampen.factor = "auto",
epsilon = 1e-05,
process = "acd",
thresh2 = 0.05,
num_ens = 500,
min_dist = 0.005,
pp = 1,
do.parallel = 2,
b = NULL,
acd_p = 0,
acd_q = 1
H |
The input irregular time series. |
thresh |
The threshold parameter which acts as a stopping rule to detect further change-points and has the form C log(sample). If "universal" then C is data-independent and preselected using the approach described in Korkas (2020). If "boot" it uses the data-dependent method |
q |
The universal threshold simulation quantile or the bootstrap distribution quantile. Default is 0.99. |
p |
The support of the CUSUM statistic. Default is 1. |
start.values |
Warm starts for the optimizers of the likelihood functions. |
dampen.factor |
The dampen factor in the denominator of the residual process. Default is "auto". |
epsilon |
A parameter added to ensure the boundness of the residual process. Default is 1e-5. |
Take the log of the residual process. Default is TRUE. |
process |
Choose between "acd" or "hawkes" or "additive" (signal +iid noise). Default is "acd". |
thresh2 |
Keep only the change-points that appear more than thresh2 M times. |
num_ens |
Number of ensembles denoted by M in the paper. Default is 500. |
min_dist |
The minimum distance as percentage of sample size to use in the post-processing. Default is 0.005. |
pp |
Post-process the change-points based on the distance from the highest ranked change-points. |
do.parallel |
Choose the number of cores for parallel computation. If 0 no parallelism is done. Default is 2. |
b |
A parameter to control how close the random end points are to the start points. A large value will on average return shorter random intervals. If NULL all points have an equal chance to be selected (uniformly distributed). Default is NULL. |
acd_p |
The p order of the ACD model. Default is 0. |
acd_q |
The q order of the ACD model. Default is 1. |
Returns a list with the detected change-points and the frequency table of the ensembles across M
Korkas Karolos. "Ensemble Binary Segmentation for irregularly spaced data with change-points" Preprint <arXiv:2003.03649>.
pw.acd.obj <- new("simACD")
pw.acd.obj@cp.loc <- seq(0.1,0.95,by=0.025)
pw.acd.obj@lambda_0 <- rep(c(0.5,2),1+length(pw.acd.obj@cp.loc)/2)
pw.acd.obj@alpha <- rep(0.2,1+length(pw.acd.obj@cp.loc))
pw.acd.obj@beta <- rep(0.4,1+length(pw.acd.obj@cp.loc))
pw.acd.obj@N <- 5000
pw.acd.obj <- pc_acdsim(pw.acd.obj)
ts.plot(pw.acd.obj@x,main="Ensemble BS");abline(v=EnBinSeg(pw.acd.obj@x)[[1]],col="red")
#real change-points in grey
ts.plot(pw.acd.obj@x,main="Standard BS");abline(v=BinSeg(pw.acd.obj@x)[[1]],col="blue")
#real change-points in grey