eChem-package |
Simulations for Electrochemistry Experiments |
animateCA |
Animate Chronoamperometry Simulation |
animateCC |
Animate Chronocoulometry Simulation |
animateCV |
Animate Cyclic Voltammetry Simulation |
animateLSV |
Animate Linear Sweep Voltammetry Simulation |
annotateCA |
Annotate Chronoamperogram |
annotateCC |
Annotate Chronocoulogram |
annotateCV |
Annotate Cyclic Voltammogram |
annotateLSV |
Annotate Linear Sweep Voltammogram |
plotCA |
Plot Chronoamperograms |
plotCC |
Plot Chronocoulograms |
plotCV |
Plot Cyclic Voltammograms |
plotDiffGrid |
Plot Diffusion Grids |
plotDiffusion |
Plot Diffusion Profiles |
plotGrid |
Grid of Diffusion Profiles |
plotLSV |
Plot Linear Sweep Voltammograms |
plotPotential |
Plot Applied Potential |
sampleCA |
Create Subsample of a Simulated Chronoamperogram |
sampleCC |
Create Subsample of a Simulated Chronocoulogram |
sampleCV |
Create Subsample of a Simulated Cyclic Voltammogram |
sampleLSV |
Create Subsample of a Simulated Linear Sweep Voltammogram |
simulateCA |
Simulate a Chronoamperometry Experiment |
simulateCC |
Simulate a Chronocoulometry Experiment |
simulateCV |
Simulate a Cyclic Voltammetry Experiment |
simulateLSV |
Simulate a Linear Sweep Voltammetry Experiment |