Simulations for Electrochemistry Experiments

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Documentation for package ‘eChem’ version 1.0.0

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eChem-package Simulations for Electrochemistry Experiments
animateCA Animate Chronoamperometry Simulation
animateCC Animate Chronocoulometry Simulation
animateCV Animate Cyclic Voltammetry Simulation
animateLSV Animate Linear Sweep Voltammetry Simulation
annotateCA Annotate Chronoamperogram
annotateCC Annotate Chronocoulogram
annotateCV Annotate Cyclic Voltammogram
annotateLSV Annotate Linear Sweep Voltammogram
plotCA Plot Chronoamperograms
plotCC Plot Chronocoulograms
plotCV Plot Cyclic Voltammograms
plotDiffGrid Plot Diffusion Grids
plotDiffusion Plot Diffusion Profiles
plotGrid Grid of Diffusion Profiles
plotLSV Plot Linear Sweep Voltammograms
plotPotential Plot Applied Potential
sampleCA Create Subsample of a Simulated Chronoamperogram
sampleCC Create Subsample of a Simulated Chronocoulogram
sampleCV Create Subsample of a Simulated Cyclic Voltammogram
sampleLSV Create Subsample of a Simulated Linear Sweep Voltammogram
simulateCA Simulate a Chronoamperometry Experiment
simulateCC Simulate a Chronocoulometry Experiment
simulateCV Simulate a Cyclic Voltammetry Experiment
simulateLSV Simulate a Linear Sweep Voltammetry Experiment