Dynamic Models for Survival Data

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Documentation for package ‘dynsurv’ version 0.4-6

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dynsurv-package dynsurv: Time-varying coefficient models for interval censored data.
bayesCox Fit Bayesian Cox Model for Interval Censored Survival Data
bayesCoxMcmc Get the MCMC Samples from 'bayesCox'
bcos Breast Cancer Data
bcos.grid Breast Cancer Data
coef.bayesCox Extract Coefficients from Bayesian Cox Model
coef.splineCox Extract Coefficients from Spline Base Cox Model
coef.tvTran Extract Coefficients from Time-varying Transformation Model
dynsurv dynsurv: Time-varying coefficient models for interval censored data.
is.bayesCox Is 'bayesCox' Class Object
jump Generic function for jump information
jump.bayesCox Generic function for jump information
nu Generic function for the latent variance of coefficients
nu.bayesCox Generic function for the latent variance of coefficients
plotCoef Plot Coefficient Function
plotJump Plot Jump Information in Bayesian Dynamic Model
plotJumpHist Plot Jump Information in Bayesian Dynamic Model
plotJumpTrace Plot Jump Information in Bayesian Dynamic Model
plotNu Plot Latent Variance in Bayesian Cox Model
plotSurv Plot Survival Curves (or Cumulative Hazard Function) and their difference
splineCox Fit Spline Based Cox Model for Right Censored Survival Data
survCurve Estimated Survival Function or Cumulative Hazard Function
survDiff Estimated Difference Between Survival or Cumulative Hazard Functions
tooth Tooth Data
tooth.grid Tooth Data
tvTran Fit Time-varying Transformation Model for Right Censored Survival Data