Estimation of Dynamic Finite Mixtures

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Documentation for package ‘dynmix’ version 2.0

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cauimp Computes Causal Inference through Counterfactual Predictions from a Mixture Estimation with State-Space Components.
convts Renames Selected Outcomes of 'mixest' and 'tvpreg' Objects.
ldlt Computes LDL' Matrix Decomposition.
ltdl Computes L'DL Matrix Decomposition.
mixest1 Computes Mixture Estimation with State-Space Components.
mixest2 Computes Mixture Estimation with Normal Regression Components.
oil Crude Oil Data.
plot Plots Selected Outcomes from 'mixest' Object.
plot.mixest Plots Selected Outcomes from 'mixest' Object.
plot.qbnmix Plots Selected Outcomes from 'qbnmix' Object.
plot.tvpreg Plots Selected Outcomes from 'tvpreg' Object.
print Prints 'mixest' Object.
print.mixest Prints 'mixest' Object.
print.qbnmix Prints 'qbnmix' Object.
print.tvpreg Prints 'tvpreg' Object.
qbnmix Estimates Normal Mixtures.
sqrtmat Computes the Square Root of a Matrix.
tvp.reg Computes Time-Varying Parameters Regression.