getBF {dynaTree}R Documentation

Extract a Path of (log) Bayes Factors


Extract a path (log) Bayes factors (BFs) from the log marginal posterior probabilities of two "dynaTree"-class objects


getBF(obj1, obj2)



a "dynaTree"-class object built by dynaTree


another "dynaTree"-class object built by dynaTree


Simply calculates a difference in log marginal posterior probabilities, setting BFs to zero for initial elements of the path where one of the objects has more zero marginal probabilities than the other. The BF is for the model in obj1 over obj2. If the objects are the output of repeated fits as obtained from dynaTrees, then multiple traces are returned


Returns a vector or matrix of a trace(s) of Bayes factors that can be plotted; see examples below


Robert B. Gramacy,
Matt Taddy and Christoforos Anagnostopoulos


Taddy, M.A., Gramacy, R.B., and Polson, N. (2011). “Dynamic trees for learning and design” Journal of the American Statistical Association, 106(493), pp. 109-123; arXiv:0912.1586

Gramacy, R.B., Taddy, M.A., and S. Wild (2011). “Variable Selection and Sensitivity Analysis via Dynamic Trees with an Application to Computer Code Performance Tuning” arXiv:1108.4739

See Also

dynaTree, update.dynaTree, link{logpost}


## parabola data
n <- 100
Xp <- sort(runif(n,-3,3))
Yp <- Xp + Xp^2 + rnorm(n, 0, .2)
XXp <- seq(-3,3,length=100)

## comparison by log Bayes Factor
R <- 2 ## use R >= 10 for better results
## small R is for faster CRAN checks
o <- apply(matrix(runif(n*(R-1)), ncol=R-1), 2, order)
lpc.p <- dynaTrees(Xp, Yp, R=R, rorder=o, verb=0)
lpl.p <- dynaTrees(Xp, Yp, model="linear", R=R, rorder=o, verb=0)
bf.p <- getBF(lpl.p, lpc.p)

## plot the log Bayes factors
matplot(bf.p, type="l", lty=1, col="gray", main="parabola",
        xlab="time", ylab="log Bayes factor")

## see demo("reg1d") for further examples

[Package dynaTree version 1.2-16 Index]