Interface to 'Dygraphs' Interactive Time Series Charting Library

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Documentation for package ‘dygraphs’ version

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%>% dygraph exported operators and S3 methods
as.yearmon dygraph exported operators and S3 methods
as.yearqtr dygraph exported operators and S3 methods
dyAnnotation Annotation for dygraph chart
dyAxis dygraph axis
dyBarChart Employ a dygraph plotter on a series, a group of series, or the whole dygraph
dyBarSeries Employ a dygraph plotter on a series, a group of series, or the whole dygraph
dyCallbacks Callbacks for dygraph events
dyCandlestick Employ a dygraph plotter on a series, a group of series, or the whole dygraph
dyCandlestickGroup Employ a dygraph plotter on a series, a group of series, or the whole dygraph
dyCrosshair The dyCrosshair plugin draws a crosshair line over the point closest to the mouse when the user hovers over the graph. It has a "direction" option which is provided in the R wrapper function and then forwarded to the plugin using the "options" argument to dyPlugin.
dyCSS CSS for dygraph labels and legend
dyDataHandler Include a dygraph data handler
dyDependency Add external assets as a dygraph dependency
dyErrorFill Employ a dygraph plotter on a series, a group of series, or the whole dygraph
dyEvent dygraph event line
dyFilledLine Employ a dygraph plotter on a series, a group of series, or the whole dygraph
dygraph dygraph interactive plot for time series data
dygraph-shiny Shiny bindings for dygraph
dygraphOutput Shiny bindings for dygraph
dygraphs-exports dygraph exported operators and S3 methods
dyGroup dygraph series group
dyHighlight dygraph series mouse-over highlighting
dyLegend dygraph legend
dyLimit dygraph limit line
dyMultiColumn Employ a dygraph plotter on a series, a group of series, or the whole dygraph
dyMultiColumnGroup Employ a dygraph plotter on a series, a group of series, or the whole dygraph
dyOptions dygraph options
dyPlotter Include a dygraph plotter
dyPlugin Include a dygraph plugin
dyRangeSelector dygraph interactive range selection and zooming
dyRebase Rebase data handler for straw broom charts with Dygraph
dyRibbon dyRibbon plugin adds a horizontal band of colors that runs through the chart. It can be useful to visualize categorical variables ( that change over time (along the x-axis).
dyRoller dygraph rolling average period text box
dySeries dygraph data series
dySeriesData Add series data to dygraph
dyShading dygraph region shading
dyShadow Employ a dygraph plotter on a series, a group of series, or the whole dygraph
dyStackedBarChart Employ a dygraph plotter on a series, a group of series, or the whole dygraph
dyStackedBarGroup Employ a dygraph plotter on a series, a group of series, or the whole dygraph
dyStackedLineGroup Employ a dygraph plotter on a series, a group of series, or the whole dygraph
dyStackedRibbonGroup Employ a dygraph plotter on a series, a group of series, or the whole dygraph
dyStemSeries Employ a dygraph plotter on a series, a group of series, or the whole dygraph
dyUnzoom The dyUnzoom plugin adds an "Unzoom" button to the graph when it's displaying in a zoomed state (this is a bit more discoverable than the default double- click gesture for unzooming).
Plotters Employ a dygraph plotter on a series, a group of series, or the whole dygraph
renderDygraph Shiny bindings for dygraph