dct_add_row {dwctaxon}R Documentation

Add row(s) to a taxonomic database


Add one or more rows to a taxonomic database in Darwin Core (DwC) format.


  taxonID = NULL,
  scientificName = NULL,
  taxonomicStatus = NULL,
  acceptedNameUsageID = NULL,
  acceptedNameUsage = NULL,
  new_dat = NULL,
  fill_taxon_id = dct_options()$fill_taxon_id,
  fill_usage_id = dct_options()$fill_usage_id,
  taxon_id_length = dct_options()$taxon_id_length,
  stamp_modified = dct_options()$stamp_modified,
  strict = dct_options()$strict,



Dataframe; taxonomic database in DwC format.


Character or numeric vector; values to add to taxonID column. Ignored if new_dat is not NULL.


Character vector; values to add to scientificName column. Ignored if new_dat is not NULL.


Character vector; values to add to taxonomicStatus column. Ignored if new_dat is not NULL.


Character or numeric vector; values to add to acceptedNameUsageID column. Ignored if new_dat is not NULL.


Character vector; values to add to acceptedNameUsage column. Ignored if new_dat is not NULL.


A dataframe including columns corresponding to one or more of the above arguments, except for tax_dat. Other DwC terms can also be included as additional columns. All rows in new_dat will be appended to the input data (tax_dat).


Logical vector of length 1; if taxon_id is not provided, should values in the taxonID column be filled in by generating them automatically from the scientificName? If the taxonID column does not yet exist it will be created. Default TRUE.


Logical vector of length 1; if usage_id is not provided, should values in the acceptedNameUsageID column be filled in by matching acceptedNameUsage to scientificName? If the acceptedNameUsageID column does not yet exist it will be created. Default TRUE.


Numeric vector of length 1; how many characters should be included in automatically generated values of taxonID? Must be between 1 and 32, inclusive. Default 32.


Logical vector of length 1; should the modified column of any newly created or modified row include a timestamp with the date and time of its creation/modification? If the modified column does not yet exist it will be created. Default TRUE.


Logical vector of length 1; should taxonomic checks be run on the updated taxonomic database? Default FALSE.


Additional data to add, specified as sets of named character or numeric vectors; e.g., parentNameUsageID = "6SH4". The name of each must be a valid column name for data in DwC format. Ignored if new_dat is not NULL.


fill_taxon_id and fill_usage_id only act on the newly added data (they do not fill columns in tax_dat).

If "taxonID" is not provided for the new row and fill_taxon_id is TRUE, a value for taxonID will be automatically generated from the md5 hash digest of the scientific name.

To modify settings used for validation if strict is TRUE, use dct_options().


Dataframe; taxonomic database in DwC format.


  taxonID = "123",
  scientificName = "Foogenus barspecies",
  acceptedNameUsageID = NA_character_,
  taxonomicStatus = "accepted"
) |>
    scientificName = "Foogenus barspecies var. bla",
    parentNameUsageID = "123",
    nameAccordingTo = "me",
    strict = TRUE

[Package dwctaxon version 2.0.3 Index]