Bayesian Inference from Count Data using Discrete Uniform Priors

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dupiR-package Bayesian inference from count data using discrete uniform priors
compute_ecdf Compute ECDF (empirical cumulative distribution function)
compute_normalization_constant Compute normalization constant
compute_posterior Compute the posterior probability distribution of the population size for an object of class 'Counts'
compute_posterior-method An S4 class to store measurements (count data, sampling fractions), prior support and posterior parameters
compute_posterior_with_replacement Compute posterior probability with replacement
compute_sum Compute sum of terms (function F, Comoglio et al.)
compute_term Compute single term (function F, Comoglio et al.)
Counts-class An S4 class to store measurements (count data, sampling fractions), prior support and posterior parameters
dupiR Bayesian inference from count data using discrete uniform priors
gamma_poisson_clough Compute posterior probability using a Gamma-Poisson model (Clough et al.)
get_counts Get 'counts' slot for an object of class 'Counts'
get_counts-method An S4 class to store measurements (count data, sampling fractions), prior support and posterior parameters
get_fractions Get 'fractions' slot for an object of class 'Counts'
get_fractions-method An S4 class to store measurements (count data, sampling fractions), prior support and posterior parameters
get_posterior_param Compute posterior probability distribution parameters (e.g. credible intervals) for an object of class 'Counts'
get_posterior_param-method An S4 class to store measurements (count data, sampling fractions), prior support and posterior parameters
initialize-method Initialize 'Counts' class
new_counts Constructor for 'Counts' class
plot-method Plot method for 'Counts' class
plot_posterior Plot posterior probability distribution and display posterior parameters for an object of class 'Counts'
plot_posterior-method An S4 class to store measurements (count data, sampling fractions), prior support and posterior parameters
set_counts<- Set 'counts' slot for an object of class 'Counts'
set_counts<--method An S4 class to store measurements (count data, sampling fractions), prior support and posterior parameters
set_fractions<- Set 'fractions' slot for an object of class 'Counts'
set_fractions<--method An S4 class to store measurements (count data, sampling fractions), prior support and posterior parameters
show-method Print method for 'Counts' class
summary-method Summary method for 'Counts' class