dt2cen {dualtrees}R Documentation

centre of the DT-spectrum


calculate the centre of mass of the local spectra in hexagonal geometry


dt2cen(dt, mask = NULL)



a J x nx x ny x 6 array of spectral energies, the output of fld2dt


a nx x ny array of logical values


Each of the J x 6 spectral values is assigned a coordinate in 3D space with x(d,j)=cos(60*(d-1)), y(d,j)=sin(60*(d-1)), z(d,j)=j, where j denotes the scale and d the direction. Then the centre of mass in this space is calculated, the spectral values being the masses at each vertex. The x- and y-cooridnate are then transformed into a radius rho=sqrt(x^2+y^2) and an angle phi=15+0.5*atan2(y,x). rho measures the degree of anisotropy at each pixel, phi the orientation of edges in the image, and the third coordinate, z, the central scale. If a mask is provided, values where mask==TRUE are set to NA.


a nx x ny x 3 array where the third dimension denotes degree of anisotropy, angle and central scale, respectively.


Since the centre of mass is not defined for negative mass, any values below zero are removed at this point.


dt <- fld2dt(blossom)
ce <- dt2cen(dt)
image( ce[,,3], col=gray.colors(32, 0, 1) )

[Package dualtrees version 0.1.5 Index]