arrange.dtplyr_step | Arrange rows by column values | | Force computation of a lazy data.table | | Force computation of a lazy data.table |
as_tibble.dtplyr_step | Force computation of a lazy data.table |
collect.dtplyr_step | Force computation of a lazy data.table |
complete.dtplyr_step | Complete a data frame with missing combinations of data |
compute.dtplyr_step | Force computation of a lazy data.table |
count.dtplyr_step | Count observations by group |
distinct.dtplyr_step | Subset distinct/unique rows |
drop_na.dtplyr_step | Drop rows containing missing values |
expand.dtplyr_step | Expand data frame to include all possible combinations of values. |
fill.dtplyr_step | Fill in missing values with previous or next value |
filter.dtplyr_step | Subset rows using column values |
grouped_dt | Create a "lazy" data.table for use with dplyr verbs |
group_by.dtplyr_step | Group and ungroup |
group_map.dtplyr_step | Apply a function to each group |
group_modify.dtplyr_step | Apply a function to each group |
head.dtplyr_step | Subset first or last rows |
intersect.dtplyr_step | Set operations |
lazy_dt | Create a "lazy" data.table for use with dplyr verbs |
left_join.dtplyr_step | Join data tables |
mutate.dtplyr_step | Create and modify columns |
nest.dtplyr_step | Nest |
pivot_longer.dtplyr_step | Pivot data from wide to long |
pivot_wider.dtplyr_step | Pivot data from long to wide |
relocate.dtplyr_step | Relocate variables using their names |
rename.dtplyr_step | Rename columns using their names |
rename_with.dtplyr_step | Rename columns using their names |
replace_na.dtplyr_step | Replace NAs with specified values |
select.dtplyr_step | Subset columns using their names |
separate.dtplyr_step | Separate a character column into multiple columns with a regular expression or numeric locations |
setdiff.dtplyr_step | Set operations |
slice.dtplyr_step | Subset rows using their positions |
slice_head.dtplyr_step | Subset rows using their positions |
slice_max.dtplyr_step | Subset rows using their positions |
slice_min.dtplyr_step | Subset rows using their positions |
slice_tail.dtplyr_step | Subset rows using their positions |
summarise.dtplyr_step | Summarise each group to one row |
tail.dtplyr_step | Subset first or last rows |
tbl_dt | Create a "lazy" data.table for use with dplyr verbs |
transmute.dtplyr_step | Create new columns, dropping old |
ungroup.dtplyr_step | Group and ungroup |
union.dtplyr_step | Set operations |
union_all.dtplyr_step | Set operations |
unite.dtplyr_step | Unite multiple columns into one by pasting strings together. |