predict.dtComb {dtComb}R Documentation

Predict combination scores and labels for new data sets using the training model


The predict.dtComb is a function that generates predictions for a new dataset of biomarkers using the parameters from the fitted model. The function takes arguments newdata and model. The function's output is the combination scores and labels of object type.


## S3 method for class 'dtComb'
predict(object, newdata = NULL, ...)



a list object where the parameters from the training model are saved.


a numeric new data set that includes biomarkers that have not been introduced to the model before.


further arguments. Currently has no effect on the results.


A data.frame predicted combination scores (or probabilities) and labels


Serra Ilayda Yerlitas, Serra Bersan Gengec, Necla Kochan, Gozde Erturk Zararsiz, Selcuk Korkmaz, Gokmen Zararsiz


# call data

# define the function parameters
markers <- exampleData1[, -1]
status <- factor(exampleData1$group, levels = c("not_needed", "needed"))
event <- "needed"

score1 <- linComb(
  markers = markers, status = status, event = event,
  method = "logistic", resample = "none",
  standardize = "none", direction = "<", cutoff.method = "Youden"

comb.score1 <- predict(score1, markers)

score2 <- nonlinComb(
  markers = markers, status = status, event = "needed", include.interact = TRUE,
  method = "polyreg", resample = "repeatedcv", nfolds = 5,
  nrepeats = 10, cutoff.method = "Youden", direction = "auto"

comb.score2 <- predict(score2, markers)

score3 <- mathComb(
  markers = markers, status = status, event = event,
  method = "distance", distance = "euclidean", direction = "auto",
  standardize = "tScore", cutoff.method = "Youden"

comb.score3 <- predict(score3, markers)

[Package dtComb version 1.0.2 Index]