method |
a character string specifying the method used for
combining the markers.
Before getting into these methods,
let us first introduce some notations that will be used
throughout this vignette. Let
be the marker values of ith individual in diseased group, where
Di=(Di1,Di2) and
be the marker values of jth individual in healthy group, where
Hj=Hj1,Hj2 .
xi1=c(Di1,Hj1) be the values of the first marker, and
xi2=c(Di2,Hj2) be values of the second marker for the ith
individual i=1,2,…,n . Let
Di,min=min(Di1,Di2),Di,max=max(Di1,Di2),Hj,min=min(Hj1,Hj2),Hj,max=max(Hj1,Hj2) and
ci be be the resulting combination score for the ith individual.
The available methods are:
Logistic Regression (logistic) : Combination score obtained
by fitting a logistic regression modelis as follows:
A combination score obtained by fitting a logistic regression model typically refers
to the predicted probability or score assigned to each observation
in a dataset based on the logistic regression model’s
fitted values
Scoring based on Logistic Regression (scoring) : Combination score is obtained using the
slope values of the relevant logistic regression model, slope values are rounded to the number of
digits taken from the user.
Pepe & Thompson’s method (PT) : The Pepe and Thompson combination score,
developed using their optimal linear combination technique, aims to maximize
the Mann-Whitney statistic in the same way that the Min-max method does. Unlike
the Min-max method, the Pepe and Thomson method takes into account all marker
values instead of just the lowest and maximum values.
Pepe, Cai & Langton’s method (PCL) : Pepe, Cai and Langton combination score
obtained by using AUC as the parameter of a logistic regression model.
Min-Max method (minmax) : This method linearly combines the minimum
and maximum values of the markers by finding a parameter,α , that
maximizes the Mann-Whitney statistic, an empirical estimate of the ROC area.
where xi,max=max(xi1,xi2) and xi,min=min(xi1,xi2)
Su & Liu’s method (SL) : The Su and Liu combination score is computed through
Fisher’s discriminant coefficients, which assumes that the underlying
data follow a multivariate normal distribution, and the covariance matrices across
different classes are assumed to be proportional.Assuming that
H∼N(μH,∑H) represent
the multivariate normal distributions for the diseased and non-diseased groups,
respectively. The Fisher’s coefficients are as follows:
whereμ=μD−μH.The combination score in this case is:
Minimax approach (minimax) : Combination score obtained with the Minimax procedure;
t parameter is chosen as the value that gives the maximum AUC from the
combination score. Suppose that D follows a multivariate normal distribution
D∼N(μD,∑D) , representing diseased group and H follows
a multivariate normal distribution H∼N(μH,∑H) , representing the non-diseased group.
Then Fisher’s coefficients are as follows:
Todor & Saplacan’s method (TS) :Combination score obtained by using
the trigonometric functions of the Θ value that optimizes the corresponding AUC.