decode {dst}R Documentation

Find the value in base 10 of a number coded in another base


The aplDecode function of the project APL in R ( has been adapted to follow the standard implementation of the APL decode function.


decode(base, ind)



A scalar or a numeric vector which describes the number system in which the data is coded.


The value to decode represented by a numeric vector in the base system.


If the base value is a number system, e.g. base 2, we need only to enter it as a scalar, which is then processed to match the length of the expression to decode. If length(ind) is less than length(base), zeroes are added to the left of the vector ind to match the length of the two vectors. And vice-versa.


A scalar representing the conversion of the coded number ind to its decimal representation.


Claude Boivin



decode(c(2,2,2,2), c(1,0,1,1)) #   Find the base 10 value of the base 2 number 1011.
decode(2, c(1,0,1,1))  # left argument is extended to vector c(2,2,2,2)
decode(c(365,24,60), c(2,1,57)) # transform 2 days 1 h 57 min in minutes
decode(c(365,24,60), c(1,57))   # right vector extended
decode(c(24,60), c(2,1,57))     # left vector extended
decode(1.5, c(1,2,3)) # polynomial 1*x^2 +2*x +3 evaluated at x=1.5

[Package dst version 1.6.0 Index]