Data Science Labs

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Documentation for package ‘dslabs’ version 0.8.0

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admissions Gender bias among graduate school admissions to UC Berkeley.
brca Breast Cancer Wisconsin Diagnostic Dataset from UCI Machine Learning Repository
brexit_polls Brexit Poll Data
death_prob 2015 US Period Life Table
divorce_margarine Divorce rate and margarine consumption data
ds_theme_set dslabs theme set
gapminder Gapminder Data
greenhouse_gases Greenhouse gas concentrations over 2000 years
heights Self-reported Heights in Inches
historic_co2 Atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration over 800,000 years
mice_weights Mice weights
mnist_127 Useful example for illustrating generative models based on MNIST data
mnist_27 Useful example for illustrating machine learning algorithms based on MNIST data
movielens Movie ratings
murders US gun murders by state for 2010
na_example Count data with some missing values
nyc_regents_scores NYC Regents exams scores 2010
oecd Gapminder Data
olive Italian olive
opec Gapminder Data
outlier_example Adult male heights in feet with outliers
polls_2008 Poll data for popular vote in 2008 presidential election
polls_us_election_2016 Fivethirtyeight 2016 Poll Data
pr_death_counts Puerto Rico daily mortality
raw_data_research_funding_rates Gender bias in research funding in the Netherlands
read_mnist Download and read the mnist dataset
reported_heights Self-reported Heights
research_funding_rates Gender bias in research funding in the Netherlands
results_us_election_2016 Fivethirtyeight 2016 Poll Data
rfalling_object Simulate falling object data
sentiment_counts Trump Tweets from2009 to 2017
stars Physical Properties of Stars
take_poll Models results from taking a poll
temp_carbon Global temperature anomaly and carbon emissions, 1751-2018
tissue_gene_expression Gene expression profiles for 189 biological samples taken from seven different tissue types.
trump_tweets Trump Tweets from2009 to 2017
us_contagious_diseases Contagious disease data for US states