Distance Sampling Simulations

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Documentation for package ‘dsims’ version 1.0.4

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dsims-package Distance Sampling Simulations 'dsims'
add.hotspot S4 generic method to add a hotspot to the density grid
add.hotspot-method S4 generic method to add a hotspot to the density grid
analyse.data S4 generic method to run analyses
analyse.data-method S4 generic method to run analyses
Density-class Class "Density"
Density.Summary-class Class "Density.Summary"
description.summary Provides a description of the summary object/output
Detectability-class S4 Class "Detectability"
DS.Analysis-class Class "DS.Analysis"
dsims Distance Sampling Simulations 'dsims'
generate.population S4 generic method to generate an instance of a population
generate.population-method S4 generic method to generate an instance of a population
generate.transects-method generate.transects
get.densities Method to get density values
get.N S4 generic method to return N
get.N-method S4 generic method to return N
histogram.N.ests histogram.N.ests
make.density Creates a Density object
make.detectability Creates a Detectability object
make.ds.analysis Creates an Analysis object
make.population.description Creates a Population.Description object
make.simulation Creates a Simulation object
plot-method plot
plot-method Plot
plot-method Plot
plot-method Plot
Population-class Class "Population"
Population.Description-class Class "Population.Description"
run.simulation Method to run a simulation
run.survey S4 generic method to simulate a survey
run.survey-method S4 generic method to simulate a survey
rztpois Randomly generates values from a zero-truncated Poisson distribution
save.sim.results save.sim.results
set.densities Method to set density values
show-method show
show-method show
show-method show
Simulation-class Class "Simulation"
Simulation.Summary-class Class "Simulation.Summary"
summary-method summary
summary-method summary
Survey-class Virtual Class "Survey"
Survey.LT-class Class "Survey.LT" extends class "Survey"
Survey.PT-class Class "Survey.PT" extends class "Survey"